
How are things in Old School?

Quick find code: 380-381-178-65624994

Feb Member 2015


Posts: 21 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sadly I agree with people saying to shut down the servers. This has gone on for far too long. Compensate everyone and take the server down until the problem is fixed and you guys have protection. Lizard Squad was able to get peoples credit card information and other personal details from peoples account on PSN after only a few days. Runescape has no where near the protection of Sony's Play Station Network and I am getting worried about what information they might be able to get from runescapes database.

21-May-2015 21:47:41

Alpha Trion

Alpha Trion

Posts: 2,483 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Liquored said :
Lol i sent a tip off to jagex. I've found out a way to not get disconnected when the servers get ddos attacks. I connect to the internet using 3G/4G. YES I use a tethering program and my carrier is Sprint. When everyone gets booted off of runescape during the attacks I somehow stay in the world with no lag or issues. I recommend if you have the ability to tether internet from your mobile phone. Do it. Especially if you want to go boss fighting, or anything dangerous. I guess the ddos attacks only affect people connected through their cable provider. Not really sure how that all works, All I know is that tethering keeps me from getting booted off the world I'm in.

Nice tip, unless of course you are the greatest troll to ever live. Rofl, if people went and did this whole procedure with no gain. If it IS true, tho, you have nice insights :) If you are correct, and this is a serious suggestion, then Jagex should investigate.

21-May-2015 22:08:17

Nov Member 2023


Posts: 9 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I just feel alot that is going on is a bit crazy and whether frustrating. The reason I say this is because many of us pay to play this game and we should be able to access it when we're able and wanting to. I'm a member that has just returned to runescape after several years, and this has given me a bad impression for a welcome back. Many of us have multiple duties to fulfill in reality and play this game when we're free in order to level stats so we can actually enjoy the game, however the multiple disconnects are preventing us from doing so. I would truly appreciate it if you guys would offer a bonus xp weekend for lost time.-Std_k0

21-May-2015 22:20:04

Mak M Happyy

Mak M Happyy

Posts: 1,188 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have been reading this forum since it was released yesterday, and yet i still haven't seen a single reply from a j-mod or even a update about progress or anything, I think as a community that pays we should know about progress being or not being made, without anything to specific as to give the people doing this to much information. The part about this whole situation that actually is making me lose faith in this game (and ive been a paying member since 2005 and playing since 2003) is the lack of information we receive. How are we supposed to willingly or unwillingly pay you to play a game that we cannot play without being updated on a regular basis? you've had 2 live streams since yesterday during the attacks and the most that has been mentioned is that "they are working on it and i cant tell you any more" paraphrasing of course. How is that something we are supposed to go with? thats like my bank calling me and telling me "we withdrew all your money, we cant tell you why or whats going on, but you need to just deal with it and not spend for a few days". UPDATE U, and stop live streaming non-sense in times like these, your risking not only the integrity of the game. but your player base.
and dont forget jagex, you may run the company BUT WE PAY YOUR SALARIES.
keep us informed.

21-May-2015 22:29:13



Posts: 13 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Personally, the ddos attacks wouldn't bother me, if I was a victim the same as other players who mention they can still play, just stay away from dangerous things in the game. However, I haven't been able to log in longer than 20 minutes max at any time the last 2 days, and most times I cant make it past the login, it just says error cannot connect to server, so I come back an hour later. Same thing happens at that time.

Then I see a quicker way to change worlds upon logout was added. What good does it do to have that feature if I cannot even log in to play? I voted yes on the polls for that quick world change, but I honestly think fixing the issue with connections should be #1 priority, not adding other updates. A game, updated or not, is not a game when you are unable to play.

There are a lot of good features being implemented into the 07 game, and I'm definitely enjoying playing it again. I'm not going to let ddos ruin it for me, as I know it will be fixed. I just feel like it should become top priority and put other updates on hold until the issue is resolved. It's like you are running a restaurant, and adding new items to the menu, and better seating for people to choose from, but your restaurant is infested with rats. Rats are ruining and will ruin the restaurant if you don't get them exterminated.

As far as splashing goes, that I see many people mentioning, it's being abused, to put it bluntly. It's basically allowing people to bot without a bot program. Every area, in every world, member or free, (in non multi-combat areas) you can find people splashing. I'm willing to bet 99% of those people have been on that same rat, or goblin or whatever for hours and carrying on with their life out of game lifestyles. Exp on cast is essential, there is no need to get rid of that, as it would say damage spells don't rate the same qualities as enchants, or alchs or whatever, as they are exp on cast. The beauty of damage magic is cast + damage exp.
~ JDH ~

21-May-2015 22:29:44



Posts: 813 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey OSRS team, nice to see a post like this. Thanks for the thread.

As for my response as towards the direction of the game, I feel that my main concern is and always has been NMZ and Splashing. These two aspects of the game both when looked at in detail are both simply a part of old-school (such as magic grants exp even if you miss as it consumes a rune, play a minigame to earn rewards) but have been abused and tweaked into forms of gameplay that I feel were not meant for this game.
NMZ (AFK training)
This to me is one of the biggest problems to the game at the moment, I've seen videos on youtube of people getting 99 Defense in like a week and max combat in about a month or so. This absolutely ruins what it means to be level 122+. The minigame alone is fine for reimbuing rings and such with Dharok, or any assumed method, but being able to remain in combat with Guthans on an easier game setting to remain alive is ridiculous. This just in turn allows people to become max melee and then camp GWD for high-tier weaponry and armor. That creates a domino effect with the current death mechanics being forced to be so forgiving and allows people to easily build high lvl pvm accounts to farm gold.
Now there's one thing from saying farming PvM is wrong or right; it can be enjoyable for anyone worthy of being able to take down the bosses. But creating an account to do it in less than 2 months while ASLEEP is a bit insane. That does not feel earned to enter a GWD boss lair in my opinion.
I personally do not think the game mechanic of earning minimal exp even if your spell misses should be removed from the game. I'd be quite fussed if I cast Flames of Zamorak wasting 2 bloods and received absolutely nothing
Again this has been abused by the community to speed up regaining levels from Tut Island.
Magic isn't redundant to combat to train as some may have said.. Ever tried PvM with some lunar spells in a group? Really shows you how magic isnt undervalued.

21-May-2015 22:30:58



Posts: 34 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In my opinion I believe that Jagex should provide all osrs players with an added 3 extra days of membership. For the past 3 days we have been barely able to play. People deserve a refund for this. Jagex should be doing something for their players, and providing everyone with a few extra days of membership would be a start. When we can barely play at all, that is a problem. You can't expect people to pay for your game and have it so that you can't actually play the game. I appreciate how you guys are working on fixing the problem. But doing something nice for the community (and in my opinion this is something a professional company would be doing anyways) like providing all osrs members with a few extra days of membership would be a step in the right direction.

21-May-2015 22:32:30

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