This is stupid, 13k+ tokkul from failed firecapes because of DC, dealing with 360+90 waves is bad enough without getting DC'd... Try login "Maximum Amount of Logins Exceeded" then hey look i got some tokkul and I'm down 2 hours from yet another pointless attempt.
Fix Fight Caves, I don't care what you do but we need something other than empty promises of a future fix of server stability. Don't want to burst your bubbles but there isn't a fix for DOS attacks. It is as if Jagex is a big mansion just waiting to be egged periodically everyday by bitter kids, their biggest investment thus far is whacking up signs saying "egging our house is illegal, if caught action will be taken".
We throw money at a game that doesn't work, how about we pass our investment onto the servers which we pay to access.
31-May-2015 11:14:16