So this was posted almost two weeks ago.
And the Disconnecting has only gotten worse. I can't do anything combat related now because if I do, the worlds disconnect and I end up dying. I refuse to do anything combat related at this point! Two whole weeks and its not getting any better. Your death mechanics need to include keeping ALL ITEMS ON DEATH regardless of how you died, including PKing. How can you charge almost $10 a month for membership, do a tournament with $15,000 in prizes, continue to charge players to play (if they don't have the in-game gold to buy a bond) and not find a way to fix this issue!? Tonight was the worst, I'm trying to bank dragonhides and dragonbones on my Ironman and every other kill multiple worlds start disconnecting, players getting kicked off and can't log on for a few minutes. I'm not risking a whole lot killing these dragons, but I'm still losing all the bones and hides. You're charging me for wasting my time. Freeze the membership, stop using up our days of membership and fix this issue!
Oh and maybe not release a tournament update with $15k in prizes when you probably won't be able to guarantee a safe connection for people to play on without disconnecting.
03-Jun-2015 12:12:32