We already have Aviansie and Greater Demon tasks for Zamorak and Armadyl GWD.
So why not just add a Ork or Ourg (future slayer monster) task for Bandos GWD?
This task would work the same was as greater and Aviansie tasks by allowing you to either kill Or*s in Gwd (which arnt bad exp and are pretty afkable similar to Greater Demons) or use your task to kill the General himself, Graardor!
Personally I don't think Saradomin should have a task due to her nature but if people would want it she could be classified as a Elven task maybe or add her true species?
Neither Corp or Zulrah should have slayer tasks aimed towards them.
Another suggestion (please dont shoot me) is for a similar task choice system to RS3, I recently played RS3 breifly to trial slayer and the combat system, while I do in no way agree with their combat system, their slayer system is much better than OSRS'.
this suggestion is to allow us to "Prefer" certain tasks using up slayer points to do so, The prefer list would be limited to the same amount of tasks as the block list currently is and it would also cost around 100 - 150 points for each "Prefer"
Finally my last suggestion is instead of having the Hellhound Boss drop 3 boots, it should drop a Dragon Warhammer with a special attack similar to Statius warhammer but instead uses up 75% special energy per spec.
The boots could be dropped by a future boss in Zeah instead.
Finally Abyssal Dagger? How about Abyssal Shortsword! with similar spec to Vesta Sword won't hit as high as Vesta due to much lower stats
Please let me know what you guys think about this
17-May-2015 21:11:27