How's the visiblity of the client download link? It's very important due that browsers are soon dropping the NPAP support (Causing the java can't be ran on the browser or others plugins like silverlight)
I don't see any client download links from images.
Clicking on "Play now" will give you the option to download the client, if you are using a browser that doesn't support java (This already happens).
You will never get anything for free. Anyone claiming that is trying to scam, lure or hijack you.
Twitter: @Hugopluks13 || Dutch
I really like this new design I often find myself having trouble checking updates etc when using my phone the current one is rather terrible in that regard.
*´¨)¸.*´ Kilot ~ Failed RuneScape player.
Zeros will be done, worship the empty lord
When the main Runescape website changed the thing I hated the most was how large the highscores became. I do like this proposed update, I think the highscores page needs to keep the table the same size though.
The browser one though... No... just no... Keep it the way it is, it's traditional and much more easier to use. The Nav bar is horrendous and it's just too RS3ish. Please Just keep it the way it is. Especially the High-Scores!!! Don't even touch it! It's perfect the way it is!
Why not focus more on features like the G.E. Database and Adventures Log?? Those would be much more welcomed to the community in my eyes than making things more unrecognizable.
I don't like the big green "Play" button at the top, it looks awful, green doesn't really go with the beige/brown colour scheme. I also don't like the grey buttons along the top.
The whole thing looks far too similar to the RS3 website, I'd prefer something like the 2008 Runescape website if any change was to be made.
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