I still can't get past the decision for 5 minutes, wherein depending on what one is doing in-game, "pushing keys on the keyboard" or 'rotating the camera angle" may be absolutely valid as not-afk gameplay. This is still a MMO, right? Does no one at times have conversations, for example? Or as I said last page, maybe one rotates the camera angle to stay logged in, at a particularly long-lasting but productive fishing spot or something?
So I'd like that clarification I asked for last page. If clicking something, somewhere, every 5 minutes is going to be considered the only valid interface instruction, from the player, to the game, I'm going to have to be against that.
Despite the fact that I very much want
to prevent people from abusing absolutely afk xp-gain. But reacting to those who've abused what's in place for over 6 hours, by cutting allowable so-called 'afk' (based on the criteria of disallowed input listed) down to 5-minute increments, seems a bit overboard.
Jagex, you have often done this. In punishing the few who have taken advantage of something inappropriately, and blatantly and egregiously so, you then go off the deep end and extend the punishment to the rest of us.
31-Jan-2014 01:49:03