Chaos N Fear
When OSRS was first released i was so excited to play a more traditional feel of the game. A game that relied on players. Even with some of the updates, such as new slayer bosses and additions like rooftop agility, i thought were positive. With the introduction of the GE, that feeling of community reliance is lost. I for one made most of my fortune on OSRS through farming/herblore. I have suffered tremendously due to this GE update and blame it on the laziness of players. What made the game better before the GE was the demand. I for one as many other spent numerous hours training and working on skills that made some nice profit margins. With the introduction of the GE, skillers are the ones that will suffer the most. Resource prices are dropping dramatically and i doubt they will ever return to pre GE levels.
This is what ive been trying to tell people for a long time**** hurts skillers because bots will flood the ge with resources below the marked price, which will drop the price of the items such as logs, fish, ore, etc. dramatically. This, in turn, will cause less actual players to skill which = less socializing in skilling areas.
Metal Little
There are OSR loyalists, RSC loyalists, and RS3 loyalists. You don't see any OSR features entering RSC and vice versa, and I find many OSR features good aside from the GE. Just because one game has it doesn't mean every game should. RSC has its cert system; OSR had the TP, and RS3 has the GE. Each is or was unique in its own way, but that doesn't mean it should intrude on the other game because newcomers from the rival game feel it should be there because their game has it, and that's all they know, especially if the content has flaws and contributed to the migration of players away from that game.
@Metal Little
I didn't quote both post, but I agree with everything you said on page 24.
02-Mar-2015 22:41:33
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02-Mar-2015 22:41:52
Oh and I also thinks it's really funny how everyone says "the player base is actually increasing as of late!" Guess you forgot that f2p just recently went permanent lol.
Oh and I also thinks it's really funny how everyone says "the player base is actually increasing as of late!" Guess you forgot that f2p just recently went permanent lol.
Personally, I have yet to see any good ones against it. I've been playing the game for a bit, and I believe the Grand Exchange is the best update to come to OSRS.
The OSRS urgently needs out-of-game access for this new GE - web access like the GE has so developers can make tools from its data. Preferably with "lite pages" as the main GE has. I feel that this would greatly improve this release!
RuneScript FTW!
I have one thing about the G.E. and one thing alone, All these easy to get materials running for expensive prices, I mean 2k for a silver bar that takes not even 10min to get? That's over 50k/inv of silver. Seriously come on, Fix the prices please.
I have one thing about the G.E. and one thing alone, All these easy to get materials running for expensive prices, I mean 2k for a silver bar that takes not even 10min to get? That's over 50k/inv of silver. Seriously come on, Fix the prices please.
As the OSRS Devs have already stated in their videos and Twitch Q&As; it'll take a while for the economy to settle. It hasn't been a month yet, and they stated that it may take "weeks" to run smoothly. You'll just have to face the 'unfair' economy for now and wait for it to settle down. You never know, you may strike lucky and gain some money once the economy settles down.