Portgas 4ce
Portgas 4ce
Mages' book is wrongly priced at 5 gp.
is not at 5gp . is just a price shown. jsut becasue it say price doesnt mean its that price. Please do take screen shot if you do get it for 5gp.
then they must be something wrong. lol
The point is, the price shown is far lower than what it truly is in the market. They were getting as close to accurate values from Zybez/the trading post for the start, but this is just no where near correct.
Mod ash said they just alch value and stuff. the real value is set by the players. I do agree it look sily but it will change
in other topic note what more sily is why no way to make WIZARD set ? I am the only one who cares about WIZARDS IN RUNESCAPE. or i am the only one who tried to turn my wizard robes into set and failed ?
I was quite disappointed in this too. I was searching for Mystic Robe sets, but no results. So, checking the list of sets, thinking I misspelled, I was pretty shocked that it's not there. It may be added in the future at some point.
Portgas 4ce
i hate ge
If is situatin like....
Player A buy item xxx 50k ea (high*er price)
Player B buy item xxx 40k ea (1st made offer)
And than come player C who sell 30k ea
Who get item xxx when player C made offer? It is player A because he have high*er price or player B because he made offer first?
Good question.
I think player A will compete first because and I used g e alot
since player A is buying for high, his offer gets filled first and then next highest offer. and so on. this is way if u were to sell you high valued item for 1gp you wont get 1gp but you will get highest offered price in g e. Well that how eoc g e works. not 100% sure been while since i used g e. test it a cheap item ?
Nope your* wrong, first offer gets it since they both could buy it for the 30k. Think about it, how they would make it.
If it was the other way around you could just overprice every item so you get it. And for example quest related items, buy them all and sell them for double your money (easy to manipulate prices).
Yes i can made offer and waiting... Maybe someone buy/ sell....
But if seller price is 900 gp but buyer price is 910gp they can wait long...
If I see someone sell/ buy almost similar price i can chat with him and made deal with price 905gp i dont need wait when comes third player with price who mach with my offer.
And it will be stupid seller change price 850gp ea because there are buyer who want buy 900gp ea.
This is sad.
I wish some day you will recognize (understand?) that repolling everything isn't always the right way.
By being too much customer focused, you will probably end up in a spiral where people want nothing new but what they know.
B0w F0r IVIe
Portgas 4ce
i hate ge
If is situatin like....
Player A buy item xxx 50k ea (high*er price)
Player B buy item xxx 40k ea (1st made offer)
And than come player C who sell 30k ea
Who get item xxx when player C made offer? It is player A because he have high*er price or player B because he made offer first?
Good question.
I think player A will compete first because and I used g e alot
since player A is buying for high, his offer gets filled first and then next highest offer. and so on. this is way if u were to sell you high valued item for 1gp you wont get 1gp but you will get highest offered price in g e. Well that how eoc g e works. not 100% sure been while since i used g e. test it a cheap item ?
Nope your* wrong, first offer gets it since they both could buy it for the 30k. Think about it, how they would make it.
If it was the other way around you could just overprice every item so you get it. And for example quest related items, buy them all and sell them for double your money (easy to manipulate prices).
that not possible because lowest offer get sold first. if two people have offer with same price both will buy slowly if bulk item if not first person who placed it. if only both are paying same price.
i know this because people used and i still do. sniping rare like party hat at max price and try to update it as soon as they price change to be first person to get if someone sellers it.
I used ti buy bulk items so i know if two player has same price both will start to receive the item bit by bit.
Good night
12:24, i think i had enough of ge for today
than* for update guys
This is sad.
I wish some day you will recognize (understand?) that repolling everything isn't always the right way.
By being too much customer focused, you will probably end up in a spiral where people want nothing new but what they know.
Anyway good luck with the game guys
Umadbro? Trading post wasn't new? It just sucked so peoples wanted something better. The answer to that is GE.
Wilderness bosses not new? Resource area in wilderness not new? NightMareZone not new? There are a lot of examples, maybe you should open your eyes and take a look at the game!
This is sad.
I wish some day you will recognize (understand?) that repolling everything isn't always the right way.
By being too much customer focused, you will probably end up in a spiral where people want nothing new but what they know.
Anyway good luck with the game guys
They new udpate planeed like 50% more maps that coming later this year? they only doing the popualr udpates that ppeople like and noting wrong with it. we have to vote for it
at end of they day we voting :