Idiots... those who are saying no.
-Bigger team for osrs (more money to go around means more support).
-LESS RWT/ BOTS (there will be more competition and it will be harder for gold sellers to sell gold, and won't be as worth it to bot areas like yews, chinchompas, and do things such as sell stake rewards or profits from illegal activity).
- More updates, the reason this game isn't getting updates is it only peaks at 20k~ players, whilst rs3 peaks at over 60k (alone).
-Opportunity to pay for membership without needing real life money, some people are poor and when working a minimum wage job, $9 a month can be a lot, when coupled with things like rent, expenses, food, etc.
-Game will be pay 2 win. This game has always been pay 2 win since gold was being sold, this won't change anything really, those who are rich can STILL buy gold and those who aren't probably won't.
-Can lead to other **** updates implemented for more **. They said they wouldn't implement other micro transactions and any big updates like that would require a VOTE. So guys, vote for bonds, so our poorer friends may save up in f2p to be members like our more fortunate friends.
Spread the love.
27-Jan-2015 14:52:59