I want to be able to post buy offers as well as sell offers.
I want to be able to sell unidentified herbs on the Trading Post.
I want more armour set options, such as bronze to dragon armour sets, and maybe armour sets without shields.
I don't like the idea of the +5% -5% or guide prices.
I do want trades to be able to be completed automatically.
I like the idea of the items going to the highest offer.
A full GE is not ideal but better than what we have now, however I would prefer improvements to the GE rather than an exact copy of the RS3 GE. Prices need to adjust a lot faster than they do on RS3 for example, to have more accurate prices, there should not be a street price and a GE price, there Trading Post should be the same as street price so the prices will be more accurate.
I do not want to see limits where you can only buy 100, or 10,000 of something when you want to buy 100,000 of something, though I do want a fair distribution of items so one person or small group does not get everything leaving others with nothing.
I don't think everyone understands why the GE is not a perfect solution, many appear to want it just because they are familiar with it and are not seeing the negatives and how the trading Post could be better than the GE with some improvements.
I want improvements to the Trading Post but not an exact copy of the GE.
13-Dec-2014 03:45:12