Update the trading post to allow sell/buy offers and make a price guide based off average buy/sell offers like zybz has. NO to automatic trading and NO WAY to GE ever. It already failed the original poll and is completely absurd that it is being re-polled. If you can't take time away from grinding your skills to sell items then go play easy scape aka RS3 and please stop trying to ruin OSRS for those of us who actually enjoy it. I seriously hope the community is not that dead to actually allow this crap to be passed and turned into a GE. If you update the trading post to allow buy/sell offers and average price you can satisfy both parties, if you turn it into a GE/auto trading you are going to lose a huge portion of the community. The majority of players who want the GE also play RS3 and I'm sure would love to bring d claws/ZMI/stealing creation and any other method to make the game way easier cause their too lazy to actually sell items on their own like OSRS always was made to be.
12-Dec-2014 19:18:14