Say _NO_ to the Grand Exchange! The community of Runescape used to be thriving, it used to see mods in and out the game all the time, it saw player interaction at an all time high, players were able to meet new people and enjoy the game to the full extent. Trading is part of that full experiance. Many of us are playing this version becuase we do not like the changes that Jagex have made to the game in its current runescape 3 format. The G.E was one of the most significant changes made to Runescape, but was it in favour of the runescape community, experiance and gameplay? I say _NO_ We lost so much of our community compared to how Runescape used to be, due to changes Jagex made without polls, without our input. This trade post is only passing becuase people did not put the effort into trading how it was run before. People enjoy Runescape the way it is, and these changes will just put the game further from what many of us love. That said, a majority vote has shown that people want to have an ingame way to show trades being offered, which is not bad thing. Even the ability to buy through the trade post is a small, fitting change to Runescape gameplay. Being able to trade from any bank in the world, on the same world, could be classed as another step forwards, allowing simpler, easier, less time consuming trading that, above all, does not require going to a major bank on a major world to accomplish. That said, the option of a GE, or a trading post that allowes offline trade without restriction, is a step backwards for OSRS. It's just one more step to Oldschool becoming RS3 in a few years. If you like OSRS as it is, without the changes that will slowly reform OSRS into Runescape 3, then vote _NO_ to the GE!
15-Dec-2014 18:40:56