The helm is melee orientated and is of level 75 defense, therefore it will be and should be the best melee helm in the game.
The best helm in the game is going to have stats of the melee barrows brothers… if not it should be better, considering the jump of 5 levels.
For those who don't know, this helm has similar defensive stats to verac's helm/ torag's helm and the defensive stats are actually a little lower than these 2 helms, thus justifying the given best strength bonus helmet in the game at +5.
In order to have this offensive strength bonus, defence must be given up. If this was a purely defensive helmet, I would expect it's stats to be all between 60-70 and possibly the negative ranged/ mage attack bonuses to be reduced.
John has balanced the helmet very well, nothing needs to be changed. Lets not forget this is a level 75 defence helmet and
*should be the best in the game*.
25-Nov-2014 22:01:09
- Last edited on
25-Nov-2014 22:06:29