Instead of just raging, I suppose I could make suggestion. I would say remove poison immunity and make it poison resistance. The effect would be that venom doesn't get stronger and normal poison dies off twice as fast. Or perhaps venom will become normal poison instead, and normal poison does half damage for half time. Remove the chance to poison entirely as it is dumb. Keep the stats high and even the strength, but make it degrade to nothing or make sure that it is very hard to repair (as in has expensive repair materials, as well as gold cost and requires a really high level in smithing and/or herblore.) Even though I like the idea of trident better than staff of the dead, it does leave the problem that trident can't be used in pvp, while to my understanding the blowgun could.
EDIT: Instead of chance to poison, you could make the helmet give all poisoned weapons that use a 100% chance to inflict there poison regardless of hit. So in a way it amplifies poisons effectiveness rather than directly poisoning. unless someone punched your helmet, it doesn't make sense that they get poisoned by attacking you just because of your helm. also it just adds another thing to the massive list of things that makes this helmet TOO overpowered.
agreed, resistance was an option i was considering to bring up. I think 100% immunity is pointless for the new blow pipe and toxic staff, not to mention adds or whip tent becoming obsolete completely. I think it should be like a 65-95% (percentage can be polled) resistance to poison and a 45-75% resistance to venom. making it 100% GUARENTEED IMMUNITY IS O/P in my opinion ;(
Everybody 'round me saying I should relax 'cuz I've been going hard 'till my eyes roll back but,
all I wanna do is forget about my past and smoke a'lil ranarr, really nothing too drastic..
- I really like the New blowpipe effect way more than the last. Good job guys.
- Adding the trident was a another great call. Another good job.
- Personally I'm not sure how I feel about the helmet. I could go either way on it. However, if you introduced similar helm concepts for Range & Magic alongside it, I think the community might be swayed more in accepting them.
- I'm thinking the snake drops 1 basic helmet with mediocre, yet beneficial, defensive stats in all cb styles. (Not best in slot just well rounded, similar to spirit and blessed spirit shields in concept.) With the ability to alter it and it's stats into a more powerful 1 combat style version (either Melee, Range, or Magic, similar to adding sigils to spirit shields) with the other two style stats negated to balance of course.
The 3 combat add-ons could be either dropped outright by the boss, or dropped in pieces to be later player combined with specific skills relating to that combat style (Runecrafting = Magic/ Smithing = Melee/ Crafting = Range.
- For the negating Venom effect, I think it should work similarly to that of an anti-dragon shield when encountering dragon breath. Negate a little bit of it but not all of it outright.
26-Nov-2014 22:34:12
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26-Nov-2014 22:37:11
The poison of the tent-whip may as well not be there, it's only using in PvP, staking and Bossing (which are mostly resistant to poison).
Alot of people who PK use antipoisons, when you stake your dds can poison for higher than the tent anyway (+ the poison rarely has time to hit), and most bosses are immune to poison.
Slay Helm
It doesn't effect tent whip in any way, you use tent for the +8 slash / +4 str, not for the poison...
you're always arguing crap and you don't even know what you're talking about.....
tentacle whip DOES INFACT poison other players as well as many npcs....
Everybody 'round me saying I should relax 'cuz I've been going hard 'till my eyes roll back but,
all I wanna do is forget about my past and smoke a'lil ranarr, really nothing too drastic..
iTwisted Bow
Slay Helm
It doesn't effect tent whip in any way, you use tent for the +8 slash / +4 str, not for the poison...
you're always arguing crap and you don't even know what you're talking about.....
tentacle whip DOES INFACT poison other players as well as many npc*....
I never said it doesn't poison. I said people don't use it for the poison.
It poisons players (who use antipoison), it's not worth using for slayer and bosses are immune to poison. Learn to read.
Just to clarify, being a solo boss, its gnna be a room similar to the Queen Black Dragon Lair , right? So ppl will never be able to join/crash you.
It will probably either be instanced or there will be like 10 on each world like TDs/ Glacors.
I really hope there won't be just one every world.
27-Nov-2014 02:06:45
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27-Nov-2014 02:07:42