The instantly appearing item drops don't sound too great, people will abuse it to drop food for their friends. How about they appear instantly to the player who last did most damage to the dropper? Similar to how kills are worked out. After the usual delay they can then appear to everyone else. That way it's the person who deserves the loot who sees it first.
The looting bag I don't particularly like the sound of. Part of the fun in pking is choosing the loot - however, with the possible resource updates it may be the only thing making resource loot worthwhile. It would need to be implemented in a way as to prevent abuse - we don't want people to be able to use items that are in the bag. If it is implemented it should be made widely available to all players, pures and mains alike, without requirements.
Finally, untradable items turning to gold in 20+ wildy sounds good... But why just 20+ wilderness? It would not apply to a great many people still, that way. It should be implemented everywhere in the wilderness. Slightly off topic, but there should be an easy way to get multiples of certain items - like the Zamorak book, or god capes - which are popular for pking, it's frustrating having to go collect a new one each death. However, in this case (and in the case of current easy to get untradable items) we wouldn't want players farming them, going to the wilderness and having a friend kill them for gold. I can see a lot of potential for abuse, depending on the amount of gold and the item.
19-Jan-2014 20:57:53