Okay, so i must say i'm impressed with the ideas you guys have come up with, however theres some things that could be improved.
First of all, i think it would be really cool to make the furnace area (south of mossies) a complete multi area. I remember F2p fights in there were awesome, because you could clump up really well (thats what its all about in F2p).
Secondly, make F2p
actually free to play!
You might think it would stop people from paying membership, but the ones that are members now will most likely stay member. It will introduce a large amount of current Free to Play EoC players to try out the oldschool servers, but they just don't want to pay for it. This will also make F2p pking
more active, and the people that do enjoy it will then subscribe to play the P2p servers. I remember thats what happened to me in Pre-Eoc. I was mainly a F2p pker, and fell in love with F2p pking, but bought membership for a month to see what it was like in P2p. I got into P2p pking which was even more fun, and kept buying membership because i enjoyed it this much. If you want to improve the current player base in Oldschool Runescape this is one of the things your main focus should be on. And heck, what if it doesn't have any impact? You can always revert it back!
I also believe that the Crystal bow should indeed be removed from any PvP area, because it is only used for ragging. I might be wrong here, but most of the people that rag with crystal bow protect item so they would keep the crystal bow anyways. It might be better to completely remove the crystal bow out of PvP areas, because its the main reason people stop pking, when theres a ragger constantly on you whenever you step into the wild. Perhaps even make it banable?
I like the idea of making untradeables drop in coins instead of just being able to pick them back up. The overpoweredness of especially voiders are ridiculous right now, so now they'd have to unskull,harder to find fights.
19-Jan-2014 10:52:45