
Dev Blog: Wilderness 2 Thread is locked

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Why remove PvP worlds? Firstly, its only two worlds, and secondly, the wilderness still works in them...

If anything, PvP worlds would be more dangerous because of the different level bracket - you can attack anyone within (15 + level of wilderness) combat levels of you.

PvP Worlds are broke. There's no reason to be in them at all except to hide in Banks and rush people doing the same thing. But, they do take away a certain % of potential Wilderness participants.
Long live the Wilderness. Long live risk vs reward in PVM. Long live 2006.

18-Jan-2014 02:53:00

Ice Mage
Aug Member 2008

Ice Mage

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The Dark bow only required 60 ranged to use and was a drop from a lvl 90 slayer monster. So why not even the playing field with a Dragon staff! This could be dropped from the Kraken monster.

Dragon staff
: This staff allows an infinite amount of air and fire runes to be used.
Special attack
: Allows you to double hit with the spell you are using and increases the max hit of the spell you are using by 50 % and uses 60 % special attack bar.
-Examples: the fire blast hits a max of 16, the special attack would allow you to hit 24 twice!

The special attack only works with the elemental spells.

The lowest level pure could be 32 just like the lvl 32 d bowers with 10 hp! But lets face it, this dragon staff could be more powerful down the road just like the dark bow!
And here's how: with the formula i made for the damage that the special attack could do, depends on the 4 basic spells you can use, earth, water, fire, and air.

So later on when you get 75 magic for fire wave, your max hit is 20 and with the special attack, your new special attack max hit would be a possible 30-30.

Even farther down the road, if Jagex decides to add surge spells back into the game. The fire surge can hit 30s with no special magical staff damage boosts or potions or prayers. The dragon staff would allow the special attack to be a whopping possible 45-45!


I really like this idea, not only dose it allow mages to have a weapon with just as much impact as godswords and d gives the normal spellbook some power compared to ancients. Love it

This would be amazing, not to mention there are already some model ideas you had for a new mage weapon.
Because the thing you lack when you're looking back is the pressure, the feel that you have to act
Yeah everything is clearer when you're looking at the past
-Streetlight Manifesto

18-Jan-2014 03:02:24

Zaros Ignis
Apr Member 2010

Zaros Ignis

Posts: 1,641 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Why remove PvP worlds? Firstly, its only two worlds, and secondly, the wilderness still works in them...

If anything, PvP worlds would be more dangerous because of the different level bracket - you can attack anyone within (15 + level of wilderness) combat levels of you.

PvP Worlds are broke. There's no reason to be in them at all except to hide in Banks and rush people doing the same thing. But, they do take away a certain % of potential Wilderness participants.

Almost all of the people PKing on PvP worlds are rushers or Edgeville-style PKers, meaning that they would just be sitting in Edgeville on W2 instead of a PvP world doing the same thing. It doesn't affect the wilderness revamp at all.

18-Jan-2014 03:02:24

Rune Cake

Rune Cake

Posts: 91 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-------PLEASE READ (: --------------Wilderness---------------------------------------

Q and A's
-i think players should be able to teleport out of KBD layer but it should be like 30 seconds after they have pulled the lever hehe, this way it makes it more interesting to survive, but not inpossible.
-i think it would be good to add 3 rune rocks to ice plateau beacuse it would bring more players to the wilderness
-i think that the fountain of rune is a good idea because people will have to risk noted goodies or ores.
-the wilderness ditch should be removed, but i think that it should warn everyone first when you cross the line, and the option to "don't ask again".
*Idea- maybe there could be a buffer zone instead of the ditch, so even in you are running, 2 squares should slow you down where the ditch currently is, then automatically continue at the speed you were moving.
-i think adding godwars creature would be cool because it would attract many money makers and pkers to go into the wilderness for a different reason, adding more things would make it more appealing, giving us choices in what way to make money incase we get bored (:
-i think players should be able to see how many players they have killed and how mahy times they have been killed, it would also be nice to have it ranked in high scores!! it would give another motivation to pk
-i think Red Dragons should be replaced because again, it is more appealing and its going to bring more activity to the wilderness.
-i think players shouldn't be able to get attacked if they are fighting a NPC, untill 5 seconds after they have defeated that monster, also they can't log out untill 10 seconds after they have attacked an NPC.
-i think 10 worlds should be removed untill more players start comming in, then slowly add a world per 5-10k more active player are online
-tradeable items shouldn't become visible right away, 10 sec after death would be nice.

-I Need more space, lol il post the rest-

18-Jan-2014 03:06:28

Ice Mage
Aug Member 2008

Ice Mage

Posts: 933 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My ideas:

1. Have the loot bag sold for a decent price (10-50k or so) rather than a rare drop from skeletons.

2. Replace the Green Dragons south of the Lava Maze with Red Dragons, and make the Lava Dragons have a separate unique drop replacing the hide: Lava Dragon Scales. These scales would be stackable and would be traded in/sold to a fanatic in the Lava Maze Dungeon. These scales would drop 1-5 at a time and would be traded in for either 1k each or other random resources you can get with the new wilderness update such as the new fish being added or rune ore (Try to keep the 1k per scale value though). If you think it's necessary the scales should gradually turn to dust as they are out of the wilderness, and you cannot bank them, making you either destroy them or go through the trouble of going to the Lava Maze to turn them in. I feel like this would help make the Lava Dragons more profitable to those willing to risk more (the more you kill, the more scales you can turn in but the less supplies you'd have while making your way to the Lava Maze, it's perfect imo).

3. It seems like the resource area wouldn't be worth it to chop Magic Trees. There are already decent enough areas to cut them while being safe, and the fact that you have to pay to get into the resource area, it makes it even less appealing to woodcutters. I have a few ideas for this:
3a. Make the chopping speed dramatically faster while in the resource area (1.5x at the least)
3b. Make it so that a % of the logs you chop there would be noted, letting you carry more per inventory (10-20% seems viable)
3c. Add a NPC similar to the one in the cow pen south of Falador in RS3, where he would only bank your logs for a fee and/or a % of the logs you're storing. Of course there would be long dialogue (maybe even have to type in the ammount you want to store) so that if there is a pker coming you won't have the time to store your logs before he gets in and attacks you.

Also, I support the Dragon Staff idea
Because the thing you lack when you're looking back is the pressure, the feel that you have to act
Yeah everything is clearer when you're looking at the past
-Streetlight Manifesto

18-Jan-2014 03:22:50

Ice Mage
Aug Member 2008

Ice Mage

Posts: 933 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Not to mention I am so down for adding a prayer regen bonus to the full Penance Armour set.
Because the thing you lack when you're looking back is the pressure, the feel that you have to act
Yeah everything is clearer when you're looking at the past
-Streetlight Manifesto

18-Jan-2014 03:24:56

Rune Cake

Rune Cake

Posts: 91 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-------------PLEASE READ (: -------Wilderness changes/ recommendations 2nd post

Q and A's

-i think cave krekens should drop the staff because its to use against monsters and it would be another motive to be in the wilderness
-bandos should be increased in alch value because its fair to the player to keep there most valued items when protecting
-i think it would be a good idea to make a shortcut to the spirit tree because its a drag to us players to have to go around, please do so (:
-the run icon should be toggled for convinience because its nice to have options ^^
-prayer icon should have the toggle option for quick prayers to activate, this was such a good idea in the past please do so (:
-the health icon should provide a cure if clicked and items in inventory, and maybe given one free heal every 30 minutes, that would be nice
-i think the cool down time on the minigames is fine, its such a drag to wait sometimes, please keep it how it is <3
-godwars dugeon altars should tell you how long till next use because sometimes we are not paying close attention and its nice to be warned especially since most players are risking a good wealth
-* idea/mini change--i think that chat-channels should have a button that you can click to activate incase you want to re-join the channel incase you log in an out or you can turn it off to prevent this, again options are nice (: keeps us happy ^^
-players should have the option to pay the slayer masters to get mithril dragons because its nice to get rewards if you are training skills like slayer.
-i think its a good idea to add the listed options to the minigame icon because its a drag sometimes to look for other players, the easier it is to connect the more we enjoy the game
-i think loot broadcasts should be added to the listed NPc's only to the players who are in the clan chat of the player who got the loot.
-watered saplings should have the (w).. so convinient

-----ill continue on a 3rd page hehe---- please read (:

18-Jan-2014 03:26:27



Posts: 118 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I really believe the grand exchange should be voted on there are many players that want it back. Without it players have to use other websites then runescape itself to look up prices. We should not be forced to check prices on other websites just to look up in game prices. As well I feel it would encourage more players to play old school.

ANOTHER IDEA: Jagex should allow old school runescape to be FREE! If you want members items you need to be a member. But add real free player worlds it would boost old school so much from what it is now. Old school needs more players coming in so older players will come back.

18-Jan-2014 03:41:43

Rune Cake

Rune Cake

Posts: 91 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
----PLEASE READ (: ---Wilderness changes, and ideas----- 8 year active player--

Last Q and A

-the total exp icon should show the amount of total exp a player has because everyone likes to check and we have to open a different page or check on our phones, well atleast i do, and it would be well appreciated (:,
*idea-- maybe even the other skills such as range, mage, herblore, etc.. should show
the amount of total exp a player has in that skill
+mini idea-- if passed a player should have a click option to be able to view there
total exp on a skill or exp icon. that way they can turn it off if they
don't want it and everyone is happy ^^ again, options are nice (:


- players should get polled the option to rest and gain running along with muscians to get faster running. I loved it when this was incorporated in the past, i know many people miss this
- the bank should get TAB's please apply this, it helps us keep our baniks so much more organized and it is so convinient, i really miss this.
-**BIG ONE** i think that in the wilderness there should be safe spots and banks kind of how in the past there was the fist of guthix bank and bounty hunter crater bank, because this made clan pk so much more possible and fun, i was addicted to clan pk because it was so convinient because of the banks, i noticed a huge down fall in clan pk when fist of guthix bank and the bounty hunter crater banks were removed, it wasn't as fun and not many players came out as when the banks were there. please poll this i really miss it and i know many people do. It also helps beacuse its such a drag to have to walk from edgvile/ varrok bank all the time in order to go into clan pk. It just makes it so much easier, thats why clan pk thrived when these banks were there, i just really miss them =/ along with the old clan wars safe spot by east dragons.
-im an 8 year active player please consider this

18-Jan-2014 03:44:00

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