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Yes, but 2008-2012 the updates went over board and so much content became obsolete. We cannot have that happen again.
New content should be (as much as possible) beneficial to the game as a whole. Prime example of this would be the Crystal Bow/Shield improvements from NMZ.
ever used an addy 2h against a major boss monster? when the game came out it was the best weapon. it was replaced when bigger bosses were made, making the older bosses obsolete, as well as the weapons used. every thing in the game gets replaced. its a sign of a game that isn't dying. only when the game is dying do people start complaining that their precious content is dead. there is a choice of having dead content or having dead content because the game is dead.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes
30-Oct-2013 11:51:25