Personally I do not think releasing the spirit shields as they were would be a good idea. I think they were too powerful compared to existing items. I take on the point that we need to see progression in weapons and armour, please can we just take it slow? Part of the charm of old school is that the old weapons and armour are still viable - items we all love and do not want to see continually devalued. I would like to avoid adding content that makes current content redundant or too out-classed. I'd like to see the new very rare and elite items have their own advantages whilst still ensuring existing items are still viable.
I think the QP requirement is a good idea but should not be the single requirement. Questing should not be forced for content that is relevant mainly to combat. Perhaps 150QP+. I quite liked the 'combining boss keys' idea someone else suggested, this would also ensure the experience of players who want to attempt the hardest boss in the game. I think a cb requirement of 100+ is enough (110 max). There are many incredible accounts at this level. I'd like to see a new quest in the game which ties together all these requirements and gives us some lore. I don't mind if that takes you a few months.
If spirit shields are released then can we consider ideas such as making them degradable? I think it's important we start adding more degradable items to help the economy and also think it's warranted with such powerful gear.
I don't want to see this update rushed. Let's tie it in with everything else, make sure everything is clearly thought through and the majority of players are happy.
28-Jul-2014 09:25:11