jagex's investors: "you seem to have a goose that lays golden eggs. cut it open so we can see where the gold come from"
jagex: "ok sir"
jagex investors: "the goose seems to have stopped laying golden eggs now you cut it open. start selling roast goose"
jagex: "yes sir"
jagex (to players): "unfortunately the farm cant survive without roasting the goose and selling it off till theres nothing left"
this is what i think of every time i hear that "MTX is a major part of the game’s income and directly relates to the amount we can invest into its continued development. Without that income stream we would have to massively cut back on investment into the game and we feel that would be very damaging for RuneScape and the community." BS
game had more, better, better balanced content updates, and less bug/glitches BEFORE MTX came to RS, and all the old players know it
just admit that you have to line your investors pockets and are selling out the game to do so, because they will sell off the company (possibly asset stripping it) if it dosnt make them enough profit
at least you would be believable then, and even if people didnt like it, its easier to swallow a hard truth than a stinking great lie
23-Oct-2017 19:58:11
- Last edited on
23-Oct-2017 19:59:13