As for what's going on, I really can't say it's our job to be positive and attract new and lapsed players: it's your's. That's on your marketing team. If you really want to draw people into RuneScape, then you need to make it look better than games like WoW and ESO, and part of that is literally with the game's appearance and functionality.
Annd, the RSOF!
The answers are IN the Game guys...not outside the Game.
Bliksemvis said:
While in this situation you've SHOWED NOTHING to us that you are listening. Nothing that shows a little bit of concern about your own player base. Only words, only these empty words. always these empty words. SHOW US SOMETHING. NOW.
Yes, older Players are angry seeing substantive chances glossed-under.
23-Oct-2017 19:39:22
- Last edited on
23-Oct-2017 19:46:00
Okay I will be taking the time now to give you a thorough response with my honest views on the entire micro transaction situation.
Let me start off with saying that I have witnessed the entire transition into micro transactions first hand, vividly remembering its introduction in 2012. So whenever in this statement I see sentences like “MTX is important for the survival of the game”, I in my mind correct it to “MTX has become important for the survival of the game”. Which, mind you, is something I predicted and warned you about 5 years ago (short term revenue at long term costs). Like a disease that could have been averted yet now cannot be lived without. Those warnings back then were frankly ignored and sadly no improvement in communication now is going to fix the damage dealt then (for I will always have a negative view on the marketing department due to that and some of my friends who left due to this introduction of MTX will most likely never return).
Over the years I do have become rather proficient in turning a blind eye to MTX, but it can be stated as a fact that it has resulted in clear pay to win effects, with the devaluing of experience as one of the results. We all know someone undeniably showed you can buy max with it. Content that would have been perfect as quest/minigame rewards has seen itself being devalued by being released as MTX instead, thereby devaluing in game content (minigames with a lack of rewards). Yes this is being addressed now but it feels like patchwork after the damage has been done. New pieces of content continuously have MTX attached to them.
And the worst thing, promotions are going on non-stop, with them
structurally exceeding
the actual content updates.
"One should not mindlessly follow gods or the godless:
Now you state in your post that content will be improved and that you have made steps to ensure this. I have no reason to doubt that. I know it wasn’t the developers intention to let the lack of quality in updates get to this state. In fact, small updates like the drop logs and achievements are really enjoyable and I see that those updates were made by people that love this game. This is why I still play this game.
But I simply do not accept nor buy your plans with regards to MTX. Let us start with the one change you are ‘experimenting’ with: removing second chance Tuesdays. So after years of increasing the rate of promotions, all you are willing to do is remove 1/7th of them? Sorry but that is rather laughable. After all, by my memory this only puts us back one year in regards to MTX-rate.
It’s such a small concession that I would barely call it one at all. In fact, after that change promotions will still outnumber actual updates.
In terms of content of promotions the prize pool promo will never be returned. Well honestly, removing a promotion that you have only used once is not what I would call an improvement either in the sea of promotions that are rotated. What I do not hear you address is the turnout of all of these promotions: gp, experience and outfits that grant in game benefits.
are the things you should reduce/remove. Yes you are stating you are working on a rework of your main in game microtransaction method (TH). But I already foresee this will likely just be a repeat of the ‘removal’ of the SoF: a reskin (likely with Alice as a scapegoat) to give the illusion of change.
"One should not mindlessly follow gods or the godless:
I know though that MTX is something this game sadly cannot live without. Runescape can not sustain itself with the player numbers we have currently without having whales paying money for in game benefits. But as it is now, I am sure a potential new player visiting the official runescape site would be deterred with all the promotions. To be honest, I cannot blame them. Creating a vicious circle through which the game becomes more and more dependent on its microtransactions.
Back in 2012 players had far fewer control over media, with the MTX discussion being mostly on the official runescape forums. This made it easy to extinguish it, for it was in control of the gaming company. Nowadays the difference is that players have access to media outlets outside of Jagex control, which gives them a stronger stance in expressing their dislike of MTX. It is apparent that this negative publicity is something you wish would stop, hence being asked in your statement.
To be honest, I contribute nothing to the negative comments on the state of MTX outside of the forums. But I cannot blame those that do, for it is the only way by which they can induce changes to MTX in the game. Which is rather sad, since I think this is the first promised change to MTX in runescape with an effect to revenue, only because MTX was brought to a level where players had to resort to spite; quitting and deterring new players, which would reduce revenue in the long run. Giving the impression that only money speaks in this communication.
"One should not mindlessly follow gods or the godless:
I feel it is important to add that I am not directing this to the hard working developers, but to the higher-ups and most importantly, the investors:
Because what is clear is that runescape has never had more revenue than it had last year. And I have the very strong suspicion not much is getting pumped back into the game, instead ending up as funding for new games (for which the company sadly has a bad track record) or in the investors pockets. Talking moneywise, if one wishes for the highest output over the games lifetime, it is imperative to throttle down on the MTX, accepting a bit less yearly revenue to be used on other games or given to the investors. A bit more money being invested into this game would be nice, but I hold no illusions, especially when asking to reduce the yearly revenue with a reduction of MTX.
Start reorganizing the teams to move people out of the live-events (MTX) team to instead work on actual non promotional updates. Bring the promotions back to a frequency of once every two weeks (which honestly already has me repulsed thinking that this is all we can ask nowadays..). Seriously cut down on in game benefits within promotions, that being experience, gp and gear that grants bonuses. Do not start with experimenting with incremental increases in promotions again. That would be the way to at least mitigate some of the damaging effects (which sadly can never be fully repaired).
If this can be done only then will we have a chance on taking a path which preserves the game in the long run, with it attracting new players. If this is not done, I fear the game ends up slowly losing members until only whales remain, after which the game will slowly grind to a halt.
"One should not mindlessly follow gods or the godless:
Exit Wound
As a 15 year veteran maxed players, I think Treasure Hunter hardly gives any xp or bonus xp comparing to normal game play. For instance, a daily challenge of Dungeoneering gives me 170k xp in 3-4 minutes and you can also do Sink Hole for similar xp each trip. And then you have weekly and monthly activities that give mega xp... such as the Char Training Weekly that gives upward of 700k xp.
Now, look at what you get from a usual TH xp lamp? 8.6k xp... Even if you are lucky you get a "large" one that is still only 40kxp. That's hardly anything.
Rest assured, I think Jagex is selling xp and it is not going to be changed since every other online game is doing the same thing and they sell for more, but the complaint is just overblown since the xp they sell is just a drop in the bucket comparing to just a few minutes of regular game play.
u might wanna look on runeclan from time to time, especially the "op xp promos" people are getting over 120M XP A DAY!!! when i buy lava lanterns 450 keys gets me a minimum of 3m xp. MINIMUM
But these "special" promotions don't run often and it costs a lot of money to get 450 keys... and even 3 million is not a lot in many fast leveling skills such as dungeoneering and firemaking.
What is the bubble you live in and how do I get one? Because if 24/7 for months isn't "often" for you, then what the hell is? Take a good look at this:
Since 29th of August (and even before then, I just wanted to take an image quickly), we've had 24/7 exp sellout promotions. 24/7. And half of the promotions you see in that image had smouldering lamps in them.
Please wake up to the reality and understand that it is physically impossible to compete against someone who buys lots of keys.
"Volat Accipiter libera est; venandi sua natura est."
We will soon be adding a content rating system into the game itself so we can gather feedback from everyone on new content as you play, which in turn helps us respond better.
Please make sure you listen to players who have NOT tried new content and not just players who have tried new content, because there may be reasons why someone has not tried an update, because its not the kind of update that player wants at all in the first place. For example, I will not try any new bosses because I hate boss content and don't want it. I know there are players who live and breather boss content and do want monsters to be harder and harder, but for me I am the exact opposite, not only do I not want newer harder bosses I want no bosses at all, and I want monsters to be easier not harder, or better yet no bosses at all and more skilling content that does not involve combat at all.
What I am saying is there are different kinds of players, and not all players want boss fights and there has in my opinion been far too much PVM content in game over the years and very little worthwhile skilling content. I really hope the Mining and Smithing update will be great and fun as a product.
I hope going forward Jagex will never release PVM content without also releasing something for players who have no interest in boss fighting.