When "Squeal of Fortune" was first released in RuneScape HD, before RS3 and bonds existed, it was actually good. Basically to get more spins you actually had to pay Jagex, thus not a lot of people (especially F2P) players were actually getting much if they did not pay money to Jagex. The game stayed afloat.
Then came the transition from RuneScape HD to RS3. It still stayed afloat but became unstable. Then the bond was introduced. I remember it was probably on that day the GE was filled like never before, even the new 4 station design was not enough on a P2P or even F2P world. The only word that was going around was "bond" and "squeal of fortune", most of the time together. People literally turned to botting and scamming just to earn money, get a bond, and redeem a spin.
As the bots were removed talks subsided about bonds and squeal of fortune, and instead a majority of F2P chat log at GE was filled with begging about squeal of fortune, bonds, and money. I remember one person in that chat log once, that I probably will never forget. They stated something along the lines that they spent over a total of a GRAND of real life money throughout a week to buy bonds from Jagex and used them on Squeal of fortune. Even after using the spins they still didn't have enough fun with squeal of fortune and were begging for more money or bonds.
Then Squeal of fortune was removed, and in came "Treasure Hunter". There was a controversy then that sparked among many parents complaining to Jagex that it was gambling. Jagex then removed a majority of cash or tradeable related prizes and replaced them with star, lamps, and cosmetic items.
Now we are here today, and the game is literally ruined. I feel that there is no more of a difference between F2P and P2P other than the skills and quests, but in terms of area, is not a incentive anymore as it was back in RuneScape HD era.
"Treasure Hunter" and "Squeal of Fortune", basically ruined the game when the bond was introduced.
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20-Feb-2019 01:01:06