
Castle Wars FC: Cwar United V3

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Cwar United

Cwar United

Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Castle Wars United Friends Chat
Two Gold Tickets Per Game (four with enhancer)
Trimmed Chat Lounge
All players are welcome to join games by joining the Friends Chat!

Hello RuneScape Community, and welcome to Castle Wars United! We are a Castle Wars Friends chat whose focus is to provide gold ticket earning games for as many players as we can and create a community of friends around this activity.

We love to discuss Trimmed Completionist Cape Requirements and possible rumors about future requirements, so feel free to chip in too! Those who participate, help others and lead by example in the chat will quickly climb the ranks.

For help with Comp, Trim, Runescore and more please check out our affiliate discord:
Achievement Help

Friends Chat:
Cwar United
Secondary Friends Chat:
Cwar United2, Cwar United3, Cwar United4
CWU Discord:
Achievement Help Discord:

Need to complete an Castle Wars Ardougne Task? Just join the FC or Discord and ask!

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29-Oct-2018 14:00:31 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2019 00:05:12 by Cwar United

Cwar United

Cwar United

Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Ardougne tasks or Other Castle Wars Achievement Tasks:

-- Guest in our FC and state what task you need and ask for assistance!
-- Note: If games are not being hosted in the FC, majority of us are AFK skilling, please be patient with us and we will respond asap OR ping on discord OR come back around in-game reset!
-- If you like bump our thread!

Gold Tickets or Game Counts:

-- NO APPLICATION required
-- Just hop into the FC, Cwar United
-- Read our method outline below:

Brief Outline of our Method:
• Ask to join games before joining and state your combat level if you are not 138 combat.
• If first time using our method, state that you are NEW when in games.
• If games are currently being hosted, upon joining you will be given the role of Perm ZtoS.
• The other role you can be given is Perm Sara or Temp Sara.
• If leaving games, at anytime before games end in 3 minutes and after login call, you must call 2gw in the FC.

Learn more about the roles, ZtoS and Sara:
• Check out: Post #8 on this page
• Discord Channel: #roles-ztos, #roles-sara

Learn more about our method and rules:
• Continue reading this thread.
• Discord channel: #method-info

-- Note: We are now running games on spotlight days only. If we are able to manage to have 10 or more people on the discord list on off-spotlight days, we will also run games on those days. For information on the discord list check out #joining-cwu-games channel in our discord.

Returning Member:

-- No re-posting Application, can just ask for rank.
-- Note: Sweep may occur still

Application for Ranks and Coordinators:

-- If you want rank you can still apply on forums: Application Form Post
-- Interest in hosting games

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29-Oct-2018 14:00:43 - Last edited on 02-Jul-2021 17:14:23 by Cwar United

Cwar United

Cwar United

Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Rules of Friends Chat

Friends Chat Rules:

1. Follow all Jagex rules - No multi-logging especially.
2. No drama or flaming each other. Treat others how you’d like to be treated.
3. Join our discord server so you get updated rules and changes if any!
4. Let us know when you are joining games and leaving.
5. DO NOT attack friend chat members in our main games unless both parties allow (non - PvP games).
6. Listen to all rank calls (if you disapprove talk to a gold star rank)
7. DO NOT use a person in power's name to excuse yourself.
8. No Leaking/Sabotaging games. Penalty: Instant ban
9. Do not use '====' when games are running unless you are the current coordinator/staff or helping out the coordinator making a call.

In-Game Castle War with FC Rules:

1. Have gear in your inventory and/or gear up at all times when in games.
2. If games are crashed or you are playing within our secondary CWU FC then Private Chat must be off and leave all clan chats. Penalty: 1 warning/1hr kick from FC/games.
3. Make sure to check scoreboard and ensure there is at least one point scored, before you AFK.
4. Do not afk during buyins or at the end and start of the game.
5. All players on Sara team must cap if crashed.
6. When leaving games you must call 2gw ( 2 game warning ) and then do your sac on your 1gw ( which would be next game after the current game ends ) unless you are a perm sac or a skiller or have done you sac earlier.

Please Don’t:

1. Spam, troll, or cause drama
2. “What happens outside of friends chat stays outside, do not bring it into FC/games”.
If it is a serious issue, please talk to a Staff Member and we can resolve it or help out in a way that benefit you. After all we are here for tickets not for drama.

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29-Oct-2018 14:00:49 - Last edited on 03-Dec-2020 19:21:11 by Cwar United

Cwar United

Cwar United

Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Staff Ranks and Responsibilities

As of Nov 2019, all ranks required to learn to host and coordinate games!

Staff and Timezone

FireLord Exp___ America GMT-4)
Pker Dude Jr__ (America GMT-7)
SlayMistress__ (America GMT -6)
Wisegirl19____ (America GMT-7)
JornB _______ (Europe GMT+1)
LifePoints ____ (Europe GMT)

General - Staff:

These ranks are all current Staff of our FC. They manage the FC as a team and make sure everything runs smoothly. The staff will always have PM turned on, unless participating in a game, where our rules state they must have chat to friends or off completely.

Captain - Veteran Coordinators:

Members who have been a Lieutenant or fully fledge coordinator who was Veteran Member in the FC and go out of their way to help the FC. Any retired staff are also this rank. They aid staff in moderating the FC and make sure everyone follows the rules.

Lieutenant - Coordinators:

Members who have learned how to coordinate games and run them properly. They have the duty of running these games to ensure everyone will get their gold tickets.

Sergeant - Veteran Member:
Members who have not learned to coordinate or in training and have shown to go out of their way to help the FC.

Ranks above Corporal are voted on by staff members and has kick privileges.

Corporal - Trainee Coordinators:
In-training coordinators, who are well-acquainted in coordinating, but not as actively hosting games.

Recruit - Trainee Coordinators:
In-training coordinators, who are still learning and has been taught how to coordinate.

Smiley - New Members:
Coordinator Application recently accepted for the Friends Chat, or haven't learned to host games after being added.

For More Details about our ranks, feel free to PM a CWU Staff

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29-Oct-2018 14:01:01 - Last edited on 22-Jul-2022 01:58:02 by Cwar United

Cwar United

Cwar United

Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Our Method

Our goals is for everyone to be on the winning team (Saradomin) and get gold tickets every game. We start games balanced, and wait for the game time to tick to 19 minutes, when the “There are enough players to award Gold Tickets“ message appears. Then you can sells (exits to lobby) or wait for the coordinator to calls “=== sara sell ===“ to confirm that everyone on the Saradomin team to sells, while players on the Zamorak team leaves the game and then “buy in“ to the Saradomin team.

At least one player on the Zamorak team, known as a Sac, stays in game on the Zamorak team, while everyone on the Saradomin team is lobbied. This creates an imbalance, prompting anyone waiting in the Saradomin lobby to receive a message inviting them to join. They accept the message one at a time (in the order that they arrived in the portal), and then immediately lobby. After lobbying, they say “ns“ (in and sold) in the friends chat, indicating that it is the next person's turn. After everyone is in, the coordinator calls “=== login ===“, and everyone logs back in, and can mostly AFK the rest of the game. We do need to capture the flag a few times, to ensure that Saradomin wins, and to give us an early lead in case crashers show up later in the game though.

This method is fairly simple, but small problems, like a single player on the Saradomin team who doesn't lobby, or the sac leaving unexpectedly can alter the carefully planned unbalance and grind buy ins to a halt. It is essential that everyone does their part, pays attention during buy ins, and follows the instruction of the coordinator (by the way, anyone can become a coordinator -- just ask).

Please refer to our discord channel, #method-explained and our YouTube video guide for a detailed explanation of our method, these will be automatically sent to you when you are accepted.

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29-Oct-2018 14:01:11 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2019 22:47:50 by Cwar United

Cwar United

Cwar United

Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Why choose our method?:

Buying Profound Armour Prices:
-------- Gold Ticket --- Thaler
Helmet - 650 ----------- 7,475
Body -- 1,100 --------- 12,650
Legs ---- 800 ---------- 9,200
Sword -- 800 ---------- 9,200
Shield -- 800 ---------- 9,200
Total -- 4,150 -------- 47,725

You might ask: “Why would I play Castle Wars like this when I could just afk for thaler to buy Profound?“. The reason is that always-win CW works out to be at least 12.6% faster progress than playing any other minigame on spotlight, and can be much faster with spotlight (64.6% faster), enhancers (112.3% faster), or both (164.3% faster).

First note that 1 Gold Ticket is roughly equivalent to 11.5 thaler (based on the prices below)

Using our method, you are awarded (approximately) 3 thaler and 2 gold tickets per game. Each games last 23 minutes (with lobby time), so you do 2.6 games per hour, earning 5.2 gold tickets and 7.8 thaler per hour, which is equivalent to 67.6 thaler/hour. The best spotlight minigames get you 60 thaler/hour (1/minute), so castle wars is at least 12.6% faster, and the difference is larger for minigames with lobby time.

Castle wars token enhancers are randomly available from Motherlode maw, or by focusing Unfocused reward enhancers in Prif., which are available from Motherlode Maw or the DSF Travelling merchant. Each charge doubles your gold tickets for one game, so you receive 4 per game instead of 2. With enhancers, you get about 10.4 tickets and 7.8 thaler per hour, which is equivalent to 127.4 thaler/hour.

Using our method on Castle wars spotlights, you get approximately 15 thaler per game instead of 3, or about 39 per hour. With the tickets, this works out to be equivalent to 98.8 thaler/hour without enhancers or a whopping 158.6 thaler/hour with them.

Using just thaler, it takes at least 795.4 hours to achieve Profound. Using our method it can be much faster.

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29-Oct-2018 14:01:20 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2019 22:52:54 by Cwar United

Cwar United

Cwar United

Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Games Info

Any FC Member can start a list, but must hand it over to a trainee Coordinator or Coordinator once they are available. Once there is 10 players on the list to host games, games will start and a coordinator will assign a role of either “Zamorak to Saradomin” or “Saradomin". The winning team is always Saradomin, unless told otherwise.

Keywords :

- 2gw: You finish your current game and will Sac on your next game. This is called when you are leaving games and to state that you will sac next game.
- Buy in (team): Enter Portals and join games of the (team).
- Conf (Confirm): The most common term used for confirming that you have seen calls given to you by the coordinator.
- Coord: Abbreviation for Coordinator, they are the person who can start or hosting the current games.
- Ins: In-game and have sold (lobbied).
- List: A list of people who are waiting to start the games (10 including a coordinator to start).
- Owed Sacs: Are punishment sacs given when you don’t do your 2gw sac or not following rules.
- Sac: You will stay logged in the losing team until the coordinator calls login.
- Sell: You are to logout to lobby.
- Snipe:Joining the game before it was your turn in Saradomin portal.
- Stack: When players pile up outside a portal instead of balancing the portals.
- Tig (Time in Game): Time in current game plus the lobby/waiting room time.

Type of Roles:

-- Permanent
You will play the role called until the coordinator tells you otherwise.
The role will be called is followed by the word Perm (abbreviation for Permanent).
You will play the role called for the next game then you will return back to your Perm Role.
The role will be called is followed by the word Temp (abbreviation for Temporary).

If no "Type of Role" is called then the coordinator is referring to Perm. This usually happens when you ask for an add to join games.

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29-Oct-2018 14:01:30 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2019 21:56:54 by Cwar United

Cwar United

Cwar United

Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Games Info Part 2


-- Zamorak to Saradomin Team:
Will always be called by abbreviation of
- You start at Zamorak, then switch to Saradomin.
Start from the Zamorak team then switch over to the Saradomin team when you see the message “There is enough players to award gold tickets” or the coordinator calls ”Sara Sell”. You will enter Saradomin lobby and wait to receive a message inviting you to join. you will accept the message one at a time (in the order that you arrived in the portal), and then immediately lobby. After lobbying, call "ins" in the FC.

-- Saradomin :
Will always be called by abbreviation of
Start off on Saradomin Team, and exit the respawn room and wait for the message to appear. Once you see the message, “There is enough players to award Gold Tickets or the Coordinator Calls “=== Sara Sell ===“ in the friends chat, you are to lobby if you are not holding the flag otherwise capture the flag. It is advised(but, not required) to run to Zamorak Flag at start of game so the first player to reach the Zamorak Flag can capture it and score before lobbying. (It not the coordinator job to ensure game is won as they there to ensure all players who want tickets are on the designated winning team!)

Optional Roles:

-- Perm Sac
You permanently loses games for the FC.
For game count or just for the benefit of the FC, cause you are that awesome!

Please note, although rare, the winning and losing teams can be switched, so pay attention to the coordinator calls in-game!

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29-Oct-2018 14:01:37 - Last edited on 01-Jul-2020 15:58:03 by Cwar United

Cwar United

Cwar United

Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Warning System and Banned Players

Our Friends Chat works with a three strikes warning system!

To obtain, a warning you either fail to follow a certain FC rule or have been disrupting games in an unacceptable manner.

First Warning:

Official Warning after 1-2 Verbal Warning is given.

Second Warning:

Removal from the friends chat for two weeks. Upon return, 4 week probation period, to see if you have improved in behavior.

Third Warning:

Permanently banned.

First Warning will be removed after 14 days , while Second Warning is removed after 42 days .

How do I get unbanned?
If you have been banned from the Friends Chat, you can PM a Staff member and the staff will discuss the matter and you will wait about 24-48 hours for a decision to be made among the staff. We are open to give people second chances as we are here to help you with requirements, but we do not tolerate drama and toxicity.

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29-Oct-2018 14:01:46 - Last edited on 29-May-2019 22:33:24 by Cwar United

Cwar United

Cwar United

Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Applying to Friends Chat


As of Nov 2019, FC is open to the public and NO LONGER DO YOU NEED TO FILL OUT AN APPLICATION TO JOIN GAMES. Forum bumps are still welcomed! If you want to help host and coordinate games then rank application form must be filled out completely for our records.

Rank grant access to:

- In-Game PM from Cwar United for when games are running.
- Ability to sign-up to be a coordinator.
- Access to join secondary FCs, if games are moved from main FC.


- Willing to help host and/or start games up.
- Join CWU Discord Server
- Read and agree to the terms listed below.

Agree to all of the following terms:

1. Add Cwar United, to friend-list.
2. Willing to learn how to coordinate games.
3. Be aware that Cwar United may PM me to join our games when in need of people to start or continue ticket games.
4. Post in channel #verification on discord with the stated format after posting application!
5. Can join the FC, Cwar United ask to join games if there running or join the waiting list on discord at anytime without the application.
6. Not searching for an assistance with an Castle Wars Related Achievement Task. (instead you can hop into the FC, Cwar United to ask and patiently wait for a helper to assist. The best time is around in-game reset time)


How did you find out about our friends chat? Referral(s)?:
Goals from Castle Wars and Cwar United FC?:
Do you plan to learn to become a coordinator( a host)?
Who is a staff member in our friends chat?:
Describe one of our rules:
What is one of the terms?:
Sign your RSN if you agree to the terms and rules:

Trim with us today

29-Oct-2018 14:01:55 - Last edited on 23-Aug-2021 16:44:09 by Cwar United

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