History of Friends Chat
Timeline of the history of All known Castle Wars Friends Chats using our method.
• Dec 2012 - Cwafkers was founded by Adm and Scronce. Wakko became co-owner three months later creating two methods for boosting Castle Wars, as a private friends invites only Friends chat. One of those methods is the "Mass Sara Sell" that we use in CWU.
• Feb 2013 - Xeriana created the spreadsheet used to coordinate games for Cwafkers which would later be used by xKev.
• Feb 2014 - GameBoosters was founded by xKev who split from Cwafkers and started the first fc to solely use the current method of Mass Sara Sell. This was also a private invite-only FC.
• May 2014 -Darius Silve, Co-owner of GameBoosters disagree with xKev and refused to accept members from Bafcw, as his friends chat, ancientsouls was warring against them. But xKev wanted Gameboosters to be a open to any members that are friends of friends of someone added to the friends chat already. xKev took a break from RS because of this drama but still comes on to moderate his friends chat once in a while.
• Feb 2015 - GoldTrimmers was founded by Darius Silve, who poached the members from gameboosters, as the FC owner xKev was not active, he also started the first public friends chat that requires applications on forums. Also led to many crashes from different minigames friends chats to GoldTrimmers as Darius Silve was warring with majority of them and refused to add them unless they switch sides.
• Feb 2015 - GameBoosters was disbanded.
• Dec 2016 - Yummy Peach, Co-Owner of GoldTrimmers (now former) and Firelord Exp started on a project to restore the community that was lost from GameBoosters.
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29-Oct-2018 14:02:06 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2019 21:58:07 by Cwar United