
Castle Wars FC: Cwar United V3

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Cwar United

Cwar United

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History of Friends Chat

Timeline of the history of All known Castle Wars Friends Chats using our method.

• Dec 2012 - Cwafkers was founded by Adm and Scronce. Wakko became co-owner three months later creating two methods for boosting Castle Wars, as a private friends invites only Friends chat. One of those methods is the "Mass Sara Sell" that we use in CWU.

• Feb 2013 - Xeriana created the spreadsheet used to coordinate games for Cwafkers which would later be used by xKev.

• Feb 2014 - GameBoosters was founded by xKev who split from Cwafkers and started the first fc to solely use the current method of Mass Sara Sell. This was also a private invite-only FC.

• May 2014 -Darius Silve, Co-owner of GameBoosters disagree with xKev and refused to accept members from Bafcw, as his friends chat, ancientsouls was warring against them. But xKev wanted Gameboosters to be a open to any members that are friends of friends of someone added to the friends chat already. xKev took a break from RS because of this drama but still comes on to moderate his friends chat once in a while.

• Feb 2015 - GoldTrimmers was founded by Darius Silve, who poached the members from gameboosters, as the FC owner xKev was not active, he also started the first public friends chat that requires applications on forums. Also led to many crashes from different minigames friends chats to GoldTrimmers as Darius Silve was warring with majority of them and refused to add them unless they switch sides.

• Feb 2015 - GameBoosters was disbanded.

• Dec 2016 - Yummy Peach, Co-Owner of GoldTrimmers (now former) and Firelord Exp started on a project to restore the community that was lost from GameBoosters.

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29-Oct-2018 14:02:06 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2019 21:58:07 by Cwar United

Cwar United

Cwar United

Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
History of Castle Wars FC's (Continued...)

Cwar United Timeline:

• Jan 2017 - FireLord Exp defended a member(slaymistress) as she wasn't a leak. The GoldTrimmers staff distrusted him, but eventually it was proven that she wasn’t a leak. The staff called him a "white knight" and was hostile against him.

• Feb 2017 - FireLord Exp was demoted and kicked from the FC because of false claims on discord about him, without proof.

• March 2017 - FireLord Exp and Yummy Peach begin working on a new sheet and founded the Friends Chat, Cwar United.

• April 2017 - A recruit Salve eel created an alliance with the crashers to make an FC that would ultimately compete with GoldTrimmers by offering crash free games to those who joined. He later became staff in Cwar United.

• Late May 2017 - Cwar United officially began and started to host games. The majority of members were former GoldTrimmers members, who were tired of the lack of effort to prevent crashes.

• Early June 2017 - Eik, who was already hosting private games outside GT to avoid crashers, decided to merge his group with Cwar United.

• June 2017 - Just Jeremy and Wisegirl19 both GoldTrimmers members became negotiators between the two Friends Chat Owners, Darius Silve and FireLord Exp.

• Late July 2017 - Talked to Darius Silve about sharing members and ban list on skype text chat, and how it was a bad idea to have crashers in FC as he done it before. FireLord Exp later found out that none of his staff knew of this deal between both FCs.

• Sept 2017 - Cwar United purged the crashers as they broke our alliance by crashing us, and shifted our initiative to anti-crashing and anti-leaking.

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29-Oct-2018 14:02:14 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2019 21:58:33 by Cwar United

Cwar United

Cwar United

Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
History of Castle Wars FC's (Continued...)

Cwar United Timeline:

• Early Dec 2017 - A group was formed led by Just Jeremy, a negotiator, to speak between the staff of GT and staff of CWU to combine our efforts against the crashers but it was turned down by GT as they refused to work with us.

• Dec 2017 - Just Jeremy and Wisegirl19 were given an ultimatum for being staff of CWU by Goldtrimmers which forced them to choose between leaving CWU or being kicked from GT. They refused to choose and were kicked from GoldTrimmers. However, at CWU, we accept members from any other CW FCs. We adopted the policy from GameBoosters, that we are an open FC for anyone to join via applications, despite their other affiliations.

• March 27 2018 - The second CWU forum thread was created!

• May 3 2018 - Salve Eel and Just Jeremy convince the Cwar United staff to all be equal in power. Later, Just Jeremy attempted to convince other staff to coup the owner, but failed after he scammed a white phat off a GoldTrimmers Staff and was banned from CWU and GT.

• July 4 2018 - GoldTrimmers closed due to internal drama.

• July 5 2018 - HowManyGames (HMG), was created by two former staff of GoldTrimmers. The relationship between CWU and HMG is now mostly peaceful as the bad blood between GoldTrimmers and Castle Wars United subsided when GoldTrimmers closed.

• October 29 2018 - Salve Eel broke too many rules and was voted to remove from staff.

• December 3 2018 - Salve Eel lost all rank status due to rule breaking again.

• January 1 2019 - HMG merged into CWU

• August 19 2019 - Salve Eel banned from CWU discord after making fun of a GT member farewell speech on discord.

• September 1 2019 - Salve Eel banned from FC, after being informed of him removing CWU staff members from Trim High Score List in High Level Forums as retaliation of getting banned from the FC.

• July 4 2020 - Forum Thread and Application Form Update

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29-Oct-2018 14:02:50 - Last edited on 11-Jul-2020 14:32:37 by Cwar United

Cwar United

Cwar United

Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
History of Castle Wars FC's (Continues...)

Written by our founder of Castle Wars United Friends Chat, FireLord Exp.

The journey into forming Cwar United started around March 2017 was an idea of rebuilding Castle Wars Community to the way it was in GameBooster FC came around when I started talking to an old member, Yummy Peach, we weren’t the best of friends, but we had a mutual agreement that the core principles of GameBoosters should be revived in this new FC. We were both old members of the Gameboosters friends chat before it died out. As Yummy Peach said, “as long as the FC is run by the same people, then their history will follow”. The idea of a new FC started, and hopefully a fresh start can come out of it, as well as revealing the history and the changes that were made.

But let's start from the beginning where I first started playing Castle Wars. My Castle War career started in 2006-2007, in w88 as according to the quick chat I gained around 3.2k games or so back then before I started maxing out. Which eventually led up to May 2011, when max, untrimmed and trimmed completionist came out. Up until 2013 where I had an old castle war friends named M0o0, he told me I should join this boosting friends chat, GameBoosters and through xKev, I was added. GameBoosters was a friends chat that only allowed people to be added by friends of friends of those who are already added into the friends chat. However I was unaware that my friend sometimes use to crash that friends chat, the staff was cautious of me, but eventually I gained their trusted and they realized that I was someone who just wanted tickets and not harm anyone tickets gains. Eventually I was given the spreadsheet access that they use to run their games, which was created by Xeriana. I was able to coordinate the games all the way until I was able to get my profound for Trimmed completionist Cape.

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29-Oct-2018 14:03:00 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2019 05:21:48 by Cwar United

Cwar United

Cwar United

Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
History of Castle Wars FC's (Continues...)

I liked the friends chat, especially the way they let anyone in, no matter where they came from and being cautious of them until they are trusted. Eventually I was told the friends chat moved to a new friends chat because the staff members voted the creator out and moved to a new Castle Wars FC, known as GoldTrimmers with the owner being Darius Silve from GameBoosters. Supposedly the founder xKev was being shady and we had to moved to a different friends chat. At the same time I was promoted to staff with the rank called “Staff”, in which later I changed the name to “Admin” with permissions from Nuggette, an owner of GoldTrimmers. This is when the friends chat, became public and advertised on the forums. I was given a document consisting of the method and rules by Dazza Mate, a co owner of GT. This was about one paragraph long and I was told to make it into a puush. It was very brief so I added all of the details and it ended up being 7-9 pages long. I eventually created a coordinator puush and a video guide of the method for the new fc members to learn with. This was put on straw poll against a friends chat member, HomeScape, who made his own version of the video, eventually mine was picked. The spreadsheet was also reformatted by me and Yummy Peach for Goldtrimmers, despite our rivalry as we use to have a fun “kick war” in the friends chat as silver stars ranked staffs. We worked together in creating the reformatting the sheet. I also contributed notable improvement to the Friends Chat by the help of other members(Edwinmen, and a few others) such as a new ticket and thaler calculator for the members to figure out their profound progress.

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29-Oct-2018 14:03:13 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2019 05:20:56 by Cwar United

Cwar United

Cwar United

Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
History of Castle Wars FC's (Continues...)

In late 2016 I felt GoldTrimmers strayed away from the GameBoosters I used to know. Especially with how they dealt with the ‘Crashers’ who sabotaged their games on a daily basis for years. Their attempts at eliminating this problem has been futile at best. They test people by kicking them from FC and wait for the result from that kick, if the leak and crasher has stopped or slow down, then they know they got the right person. But in some cases they fail to do that, I missed the GameBoosters original community of where the staffs was openly trusting of people and welcome them no matter where they came from and gave them a chance, but they prefer to kick and ask questions later and cause conflicts within the friends chat where friends of friends got kicked and it fell apart. The community seems to be on and off and I suggested we should have moved teamspeak and skype to discord to improve the community. But the staffs voted against it and I consulted with a fellow friends chat member, WiseGirl19 who was also apart of GameBoosters as well, suggested I should go ahead and make one to prove that discord would be useful for the friends chat. So I gather a few people and started advertising to the friends chat member and showed results. However, things didn’t go as planned as I was framed for doing things that weren’t true such as talking badly about a staff. A friends chat member screenshot pictures of me talking on discord about retired staff saying how they are similar to one another and what they did wrong and the staffs deem me as a threat when I meant no harm but interacting with members. It was taken out of context and used against me, but the staffs didn’t care to look into the deeper facts and join the server to see the entire conversation, they just said okay bye and demoted me.

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29-Oct-2018 14:03:20 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2019 05:13:06 by Cwar United

Cwar United

Cwar United

Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
History of Castle Wars FC's (Continues...)

If I could guess the reason, I was kicked for insubordination in the form of making a discord when they were anti-discord then another staff, who was most against it created a discord right after I was kicked. Also with the same staff was against me while I defended a member for being called out as a leak and then they called me being their “white knight”; and the staff distrusted me even though that same member is proven innocent. A few days before the spotlight I was coordinating games running it as a regular friends chat member until the day before spotlight, they kicked me out of friends chats for no apparent reason. I was upset because being a part of this FC and becoming a staff for 3 years as well as creating a video guide and helping with the puush and other FC content they left me in the dark and they treated me as a threat and a nobody.

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29-Oct-2018 14:03:26 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2019 05:12:31 by Cwar United

Cwar United

Cwar United

Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
History of Castle Wars FC's (Continues...)

A month later, I started creating a new friends chat with Yummy Peach, as he suggested. We started off first redesigning the spreadsheet again making it more user friendly for the coordinators and then with the small team we were off. Early May 2017, I talked to “former” crashers of GameBoosters and current crashers of other minigames/castle wars friends chats to form an alliance. An agreement was made that if we created our boosting friends chat, and we have people occasionally going to w24 and play real cw games with them to revive w24, then they won’t crash us and let us have our own world. As an old castle wars players in w88,w89, and w52 from 2006, before EoC took over and killed castle wars games and retired many old players from castle wars, I loved the idea where we can have old competitive matches like it was back in the days. With that in mind, i was once again inspired and gathered the remnants of my team to create this new Friends Chat. As the idea to make our FC more successful and long lasting, I always wanted to create an alliance to other minigames FCs, including castle wars and expanding our friends chat’s community. But the difficulties stood with our allies, former crashers who routinely crash Goldtrimmers due to their FC making ‘legit’ games obsolete and world 24 a dead world. My alliance was also offered to Goldtrimmers friends chat. However Goldtrimmers refused to form an alliance and in fact alienated us from them mainly due to a grudge held against us from past conflicts.

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29-Oct-2018 14:04:27 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2019 05:12:19 by Cwar United

Cwar United

Cwar United

Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
History of Castle Wars FC's (Continues...)

Despite a successful start of the friends chat, there have been questions of the origin of the friends chat, whether or not it is a copy of another or a fall out and a division between friends chats lead to its creation. However the questions can also be asked about the origin of GoldTrimmers and the downfall of GameBoosters. GoldTrimmers claimed the owner of GameBoosters gave them the friends chat and handed over the account information then all of a sudden he demanded it back and they decided to move to a new friends chat called GoldTrimmers. However the owner of GameBoosters, xKev, mentioned that he did not hand it over, if he did why didn’t he just handed the email’s password to them essentially transferring ownership? As a former GoldTrimmers staff, there were other staffs who did nothing but sit there and questions always raises why they are still staff. xKev mention staff members were chosen by favoritism and to vote him out, which is how everyone moved to a new friends chat. Nonetheless no matter how the origin of Castle Wars United or GoldTrimmers and the downfall of GameBoosters came to be. It is not up to me or you to decide what really happened. What lies ahead for the future for everyone? As the owner of the friends chat called Castle Wars United, I want what is best for people who want tickets. I want to openly share it with people and give those a chance even if they may pose a threat to the FC as I was given a chance in GameBoosters due to a friendship with a former crasher. You are innocent until proven guilty. It does not matter what you believe, however it is imperative that you understand we are an FC for the future of Castle Wars here to help people gather gold tickets and not one that is burdened by the past. As we openly share our history and our past. Only by accepting one's past then you can embrace the future.

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29-Oct-2018 14:04:31 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2019 05:11:46 by Cwar United

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