Draco Burnz
Again, no one person can speak for the whole community.
You few ppl are the ones who dont like it, not the rest of us.
Love how you do the exact same thing you tell others not to do. Rather than try and derail the thread with statements that you can't back up with evidence, let's steer the thread back on course with the facts. Membership revenue is greater than MTX revenue. So why not improve the game for new players to encourage them to keep playing?
Jagex's financial statements prove that membership revenue is much greater (almost 20 million £) than microtransaction revenue, as you can see here:
You can find the statements on the Companies House website, and even though we don't yet have the statement for 2017, you have to remember that the MTX situation was already outright terrible in 2016 and even in 2015, so you can't really argue either that "well maybe they've had a tougher time in 2017", because they already pushed out MTX very aggressively in those previous years. And don't forget that MTX revenue includes TH, Solomon's store and bonds, meaning that out of the MTX revenue you see listed there, only a part of it comes from TH.
So really, they wouldn't have to substitute TH for anything else; they could just go back to Solomon's store additions, which are fine since they're mostly cosmetic AND guaranteed, so they don't prey on gambling addictions.[/lightskyblue]
Draco Burnz
So why not improve the game for new players to encourage them to keep playing?
Tells me not to derail thread and does the same thing.
It's not derailing. Some say MTX revenue is necessary, but it's not. Membership makes up more revenue than MTX, and a stronger playerbase means less reliance on MTX.
Reminder: This thread concerns treasure hunter, not all forms of MTX in the game. Reminder: the MTX numbers posted earlier are the whole: TH specific revenue is even less. It's not necessary. It should be removed to encourage growth in the playerbase. (LMAO how can one of the reasons for removing it be derailing???)
Draco Burnz
Whos to say new players wont enjoy th and actually stay because of it?
Yes i know the same could be said about the other side but once again, you think you know how other ppl will react when you dont.
It's delusional to think people would stay for treasure hunter. You couldn't have picked a worse time to make this foolish statement. Public reaction to lootboxes, MTX, and gambling-esque paid content are at an all time-low. Players hate this kind of garbage in games.
Why not have a vote to end this discussion?
That won't happen. Draco John will lose all his will to live if that happens.
Runescape Forumers Discord Server
Why not have a vote to end this discussion?
That won't happen. Draco John will lose all his will to live if that happens.
Who's Draco John?
"Volat Accipiter libera est; venandi sua natura est."
Why not have a vote to end this discussion?
That won't happen. Draco John will lose all his will to live if that happens.