It's interesting to note that at this point Treasure Hunter is not just taking content away from the main game, it's also taking content away from Solomon's and other potential MTX revenue.
I wonder what the 2017 revenue statements will show.
Support, I've been a major participant of TH over the years and I'd love to see it gone. However, I don't see it leaving as it generates a lot more revenue than monthly membership cost.
Edit: If they did remove it they'd have to substitute something else and that could be worse.
That's false, actually; Jagex's financial statements prove that membership revenue is much greater (almost 20 million £) than microtransaction revenue, as you can see here:
You can find the statements on the Companies House website, and even though we don't yet have the statement for 2017, you have to remember that the MTX situation was already outright terrible in 2016 and even in 2015, so you can't really argue either that "well maybe they've had a tougher time in 2017", because they already pushed out MTX very aggressively in those previous years. And don't forget that MTX revenue includes TH, Solomon's store and bonds, meaning that out of the MTX revenue you see listed there, only a part of it comes from TH.
So really, they wouldn't have to substitute TH for anything else; they could just go back to Solomon's store additions, which are fine since they're mostly cosmetic AND guaranteed, so they don't prey on gambling addictions.
Support, I've been a major participant of TH over the years and I'd love to see it gone. However, I don't see it leaving as it generates a lot more revenue than monthly membership cost.
Edit: If they did remove it they'd have to substitute something else and that could be worse.
That's false, actually; Jagex's financial statements prove that membership revenue is much greater (almost 20 million £) than microtransaction revenue, as you can see here:
You can find the statements on the Companies House website, and even though we don't yet have the statement for 2017, you have to remember that the MTX situation was already outright terrible in 2016 and even in 2015, so you can't really argue either that "well maybe they've had a tougher time in 2017", because they already pushed out MTX very aggressively in those previous years. And don't forget that MTX revenue includes TH, Solomon's store and bonds, meaning that out of the MTX revenue you see listed there, only a part of it comes from TH.
So really, they wouldn't have to substitute TH for anything else; they could just go back to Solomon's store additions, which are fine since they're mostly cosmetic AND guaranteed, so they don't prey on gambling addictions.
Thanks for posting. The only creditable explanation for the jump in MTX revenue in 2016 is OSRS bonds. Nothing else changed in RS3 to justify such a jump.
| RuneScape's biggest fan and supporter. | 16 years in a row!
"Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement." --Golda M
I'm always looking forward to my daily keys, so no. Keep it. These MTX are not intrusive imo.
Daily keys are something I look forward to every day when I get home. Please don't take that away.
Sorry, no support.
This is absolutely an example of the psychological trickery of lootboxes. Virtually all lootbox games do this. They give away daily lootboxes and random lootboxes for free to get the players "comfortable" with the idea.
| RuneScape's biggest fan and supporter. | 16 years in a row!
"Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement." --Golda M
I have heard some Hawaiian politician hiding in the bathroom playing online games and paying with MTX with the money he and his swindler friends scammed some "smart" online game players since "bio happened" to him when he once said he was going to do "something" but ended up asking the game industry to self-regulate themselves...
Oops... Bio happend gain to MTX hating "politicians" again... Too bad but just live with it. Nothing you can do except paying if you want.
19-Jan-2018 20:21:40
- Last edited on
19-Jan-2018 20:33:59