Fun fact: Thought we'd be getting 600 ghostweave/day and we'll be able to farm it like the previous ghostweave event.
What the hell is this disgrace we got?! TH-only? And 15k+ ghostweave for all outfits when the red prize is 300? 15100-600=14500 / 300 = 48.3333
We have to win the red prize like 40 times and the yellow/white/orange ones a few times to unlock everything. If 1/10 keys is red, we need about 400 freaking keys. What's next? Trade a kidney for an outfit, Jagex?
Screw you and your game, I'm done with all the fashionscape bullcrap for good, never spending money on this game again, you've crossed the goddamn limits with your money-hunger. Enough is f***ing enough. Going to play other games and visit periodically to greet friends only from now on. I'm beyond disgusted.
27-Oct-2017 18:03:15