
~Headcanon Haven~

Quick find code: 341-342-973-65198067

Aug Member 2020


Posts: 477 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lego Miester said :

Spoilers obviously, but there's enough fuel in this quest to keep this thread going for months. Just off the top of my head:

-Armadyl seems to have confirmed that the artifact he used to ascend is a superweapon, and that he is responsible for the state of his homeworld. I've wrote on that before, but I kind of want to do it again.

-we get more pieces of Teragard, that is some ripe territory.

-[You get the impression that Saradomin may be hiding something.]

-Saradomin has a daughter?

-alternate endings

Well we know all 12 now. I wonder what could do THAT to Abbinah...The Hammer maybe? Seems like it could smash open a planet's core. The Codex probably is an Information source Pre-Stone of Jas. The Needle to sew together anima? And the template probably saves versions of worlds from the old revisions and grants a "template" for the new elders to use.

24-Dec-2016 18:20:25



Posts: 22,240 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
By Fire and Light

I write this in the hopes that those in the future may judge my deeds with kinder eyes than me fellows will. The dungeon is freezing over so my time to finish this is short.

I am not sure when it first happened, when I abandoned the supposed principles of doing things "For the Glory of Saradomin". Maybe it was wading through the bodies of our own villagers, driven into the enemy to try and over whelm seasoned warriors. Maybe it was fighting under Zilyana, the right hand of Saradomin supposedly. But it could just have easily been this endless war, where the generals were always promising that if we tried just a little harder it would be the final battle. Then paradise on Gielinor would be ours.

Of course they have been saying that for the last few thousand years, a saying now so stale it needs necromancy to keep it staggering on. By the time the Godsword was mentioned I was thoroughly disillusioned with our war leaders. Any one can just throw bodies at a battle line, expecting them to do anything but bleed though is madness. Not many seem to like the general, Zilyana. She's a butcher. Whispers say that only her fanatical devotion got her the position she holds, but even will not countenance the more vile rumour of our enemies that she offered more than fanaticism. She uses the label evil far to readily on anyone who opposes her will.

The purpose of adventure is to shine light into dark places,
Poke monsters with a sharp stick, Then steal anything that isn't nailed down!
To the Manor Born QFC 185-186-367-65788716

04-Mar-2017 22:33:53



Posts: 22,240 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There is nothing wrong with the Code of Saradomin. The problem is some of the fools running the show. Those who gained power through devotion or just being able to chop people into fish bait better than others rather. I once thought all Icyene to be the same, much to my shame, at least I know differently now. Still this is the Fellowship comes in, we mitigate the worst of their actions. We keep things running from the background smoothing things over and helping where we can, even in contravention to our order. And to be frank, even with the enemy constantly at our throats if not for people like us there would have been a revolution long before now. And ironic as it is, Fellowships like ours have sprung up amongst our enemies as well. Is imitation truly the sincerest form of flattery? I don't know.

We did what we had to survive. I refuse to hide things I have done any longer. We used whatever we had to when getting the job done. Would you really believe our last Guard Captain fell from the mountainside? A mean enough animal to make even General Zilyana at her worst seem warm and fuzzy, and he was on his was to discipline a dirt poor town for not supplying them everything that was asked for. But those mountain paths are treacherous. Especially with help.

The worst of it was that even though humans got the last of everything, the treatment of the Icyene was almost worse. Terror was what was used to keep them less fanatical in line, by their own leaders. Is this truly who we are? So the our fellowship got into the business of people smuggling. There was a price for our help though, it could not be helped. No Icyene could be seen running around Gielinor that was not apart of Saradomin's army. But simply cutting off the wings was not enough...

The purpose of adventure is to shine light into dark places,
Poke monsters with a sharp stick, Then steal anything that isn't nailed down!
To the Manor Born QFC 185-186-367-65788716

04-Mar-2017 22:34:16



Posts: 22,240 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
We had to turn to forbidden magic to hide what they truly were, but there is also magic in those wings enough for other uses. It wouldn't be the first time an infiltrator that tried to penetrate our ranks, we had to be careful. We put our efforts into developing this magic early on and discovered that an object could be imbued and linked to another to let the user read the other's thoughts. And once we had that, evading detection and keeping an eye on those we help became an easy task. That alone should have probably told us how far we'd fallen. Still we forged on helping those we could and being ruthless against those who would bring us to ruin.

But after all that we were dragged to this hellhole to try and grab the Godsword for greater glory of Saradomin. I've heard things Zilyana thinks she has kept secret. I worry about what would happen if she does gain the sword almost as much as I worry about what would happen if we don't. All she had to do was help drive the enemy back long enough to get the sword out of here and they would hand it to us to deliver to Saradomin. Not exactly a hard task. Except I know 2 things. One, our supposed Bandosian allies only wanted to wage war and would do whatever it took to keep it going. Two, that Zilyana was going to let her fanaticism and almost compulsive need praised by Saradomin blind her to just staying the course. I have seen the thoughts of those following Armadyl and I know they will stay true to their word to hand the sword to Saradomin, their code of honour would demand as much. But only if we stay true to ours.

The purpose of adventure is to shine light into dark places,
Poke monsters with a sharp stick, Then steal anything that isn't nailed down!
To the Manor Born QFC 185-186-367-65788716

04-Mar-2017 22:34:32



Posts: 22,240 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I thought it couldn't get any worse after the villagers were herded into battle. I thought at least in death those who fought would be free. And then our fallen were raised with some form of Necromancy. Spiritual Warriors, they called them. Abominations. And they frown on the magic I use all while enslaving spirits to fight for all eternity? What happened to our place in the Afterlife? Is this our fate? An Endless war where only the dead will be left to carry on for a unobtainable goal? Is this truly the salvation promised by Saradomin? If I didn't do something we would not last long with the way things were going.

Maybe that is what gave me the idea. It was not easy to forge these items in the middle on a pitch battle, and let's just say that it is not something I want o do again in a hurry... Slipping them on to the Altar was not easy and having to do it a second time was a painful lesson in just how stubborn our General could be.

I have done what had to be done and war is an ugly business and it should remain so. Some would call me traitor for things I have done. But Saradomin works through others just as easily as he would do something himself. So who is to say that what I did was not his will?
The purpose of adventure is to shine light into dark places,
Poke monsters with a sharp stick, Then steal anything that isn't nailed down!
To the Manor Born QFC 185-186-367-65788716

04-Mar-2017 22:34:52

Sep Member 2016


Posts: 8,012 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This isn't big enough to estrapolate, but I always thought that players could only teleport to very specific locations on the map because of some sort of beacon near the teleport site. That's why we can't use teleport spells to teleport to anywhere we want on the map, or use it in combat for mini-blinks.

I know humans supposedly don't have magical potential, but how would some of the combat abilities be explained without the use of magic? How do we use Surge, Guthix's butterfly, the various Zarosian abilities, or leech the life of others without some innate magical potential?
Admin of Silent Knight

17-May-2017 19:45:29

Lego Miester
Nov Member 2023

Lego Miester

Posts: 35,339 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
BarryManilow said :
This isn't big enough to estrapolate, but I always thought that players could only teleport to very specific locations on the map because of some sort of beacon near the teleport site. That's why we can't use teleport spells to teleport to anywhere we want on the map, or use it in combat for mini-blinks.

I know humans supposedly don't have magical potential, but how would some of the combat abilities be explained without the use of magic? How do we use Surge, Guthix's butterfly, the various Zarosian abilities, or leech the life of others without some innate magical potential?

I wish I could find the thread that was this ridiculously elaborate theory on how teleportation is powered by poop. With such pieces as the Camulet and the distinct lack of bathrooms in RS.
Headcanon Haven, where everything is made up and the points don't matter.
OSRS Lore: Xeric
Slepe Tight - Slepe Lore

25-May-2017 19:39:08

Ancient Drew

Ancient Drew

Posts: 5,732 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

That feel when a RP thread based on a series of headcanon stories written over a few months of preparation and leading up to the events of a proper god war, is left dead in the water by lack of roleplaying on the forums.

R.I.P Naval Cataclysm.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in Naval Cataclysm!

Pokemon battle? Friend Code: 4614-0426-2439

25-May-2017 21:11:08

Quick find code: 341-342-973-65198067 Back to Top