
~Headcanon Haven~

Quick find code: 341-342-973-65198067

Jan Member 2020


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Lego Miester said :
William Witt said :
Here's a story of mine I wrote and posted on the Stories forum back in January of 2011.


'This is all your fault.' she growled.
I looked into her hate-filled, draconic eyes, and my heart softened.
I shook my head. 'Perhaps it is. I should have been there. I have failed...'
She gave me a slap, leaving deep claw marks in the bone of my skull. I love when she does that.


I nodded slowly and gazed into her fearsome, green eyes. She was a devil. So beautiful, yet so strong.
‘Cease staring at my breastplate at once!,' she snapped, aiming the spine of her wing at my throat.


Ha! Gotta say that's a much more likely story!

26-Dec-2013 00:43:45

Aug Member 2008


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Armadyl sighed, this battle had dragged on for six weeks, and even on Christmas day, blood had soaked into the dirt ground. It may have been only six weeks, but Armadyl felt older and more tired than he had in millenia. No matter, it soon would be over. The Divine Focus was brimming with energy, and leveled towards the chest of the massive Tyrant a city away.

"Milord, help! A warrior has entered the tower and is destroying the firing mechanism of the Divine Focus!" His Head Diviner shouted, clearly panicked.

As Armadyl turned, he began to see why. A warrior clad in heavy golden armor carrying a unique flail-like weapon stood over the injured form of his head warmage.

Careful not to turn his complete focus away from Bandos, Armadyl leveled his weapon towards the mortal. "I certainly hope that you have a good reason for this madness, or are you just a blind follower of the war god that has somehow circumvented our measures for such?"

"Follower? Heh.I am the Raptor, I follow no one." the mortal rasped, sounding more like the armor itself was talking than any being was within it. "No, I simply take issue with your means of combat. What kind of warrior fights with caravans and towers, when you could fight face to face?"

"One who is more mindful of the people than his own satisfaction, and does not want to risk countless lives in a pointless struggle. Who are you to say that their lives are not worth the caution that is required for a battle of this magnitude?" Armadyl always considered speaking to be a worthy way of resolving conflict. If only the other gods could be reasoned with, then they might not all be caught up in Sliske's little game.

26-Dec-2013 02:59:11

Aug Member 2008


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"Who are you to think that you can kill a war god without either of you raising a weapon, or even moving for over a month? What kind of fool are you? You dare give a warrior such an ignoble death?" The Raptor spat, although his voice remained at a steady volume. He gestured to the mangled divine focus, "As far as I'm concerned, that thing isn't just an insult to Bandos, it's a disgrace to combat as a whole."

As Raptor turned away, the Head Diviner shouted "Where do you think you're going after doing such a thing to the Divine Focus?"

The Raptor turned to face his visor toward the Diviner.

"Ending this fight the way it was meant to be."

26-Dec-2013 03:20:36 - Last edited on 26-Dec-2013 03:20:55 by Cybernet377

Lego Miester
Nov Member 2023

Lego Miester

Posts: 35,339 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Cybernet377 said :

"Ending this fight the way it was meant to be."

You stopped when it was getting good! X( Does The Raptor topple the tower with his mighty flail? Does he leap at Bandos and get casually flicked away into high orbit? I want to hear the end!

Kailithnir said :

Based on this evidence, I therefore propose that the “in-fighting” which Taka’ra refers to was a series of race wars, and it is only through extreme political correctness that they avoid another civil war.

I could see the big, muscular eaglevantese picking on the scrawny, nerdy owlvantese.

Eren Lapucet said :

The End.

Every sentence just got better and better. The trope "refuge in audacity" comes to mind.
Headcanon Haven, where everything is made up and the points don't matter.
OSRS Lore: Xeric
Slepe Tight - Slepe Lore

27-Dec-2013 02:36:59 - Last edited on 27-Dec-2013 02:49:28 by Lego Miester

Aug Member 2008


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Lego Miester said :
You stopped when it was getting good! X( Does The Raptor topple the tower with his mighty flail? Does he leap at Bandos and get casually flicked away into high orbit? I want to hear the end!

“Bandos!” A voice dominated, even over the din of war drums.

The god in question leaned forward in his throne, gazing down at the figure clad in heavy red and gold armor.

“I challenge you to single combat, to the death!”

Bandos broke into loud laughter, before calming and growing serious. “Really now?” he said, “Who dares to challenge me to single combat, knowing who I am? I am Bandos, the High War God, Crusher of Armies! Why does a mortal human challenges me?”

“Mortal? Human? I have no need for race or titles, all that matters is that I am a Warrior. As for why?” The Raptor readied his flail and greatshield, “ Because worth comes in battle.

Bandos stood, shrinking to his normal height, which still towered above the largest of Ogres there. He waved his hand dismissively to his followers. “Leave if you value your lives. I will not waste my time attempting to avoid killing you while I fight. You’ll know when to come back when the ground stops shaking.” With a flash of light, a brutal looking mace with serrated edges on each blade that made up its head appeared within the god’s hand, the head slamming into the ground with a dull thud.

“Someone after my own heart then. I should warn you, even though I won’t bring my full strength against a mortal, if you don’t put everything you have in this fight, you’ll be nothing more than another death at my hands. If you can put up a fight though, I might even feel generous enough to have a monument made of you.” Bandos laughed.

“Are you done yet?” The Raptor grunted.


27-Dec-2013 05:38:15

Aug Member 2008


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Bandos moved first, blurring as he appeared next to The Raptor. The shield barely moved into place before Raptor was hurled away, flying several feet before he slammed the flat of his shield to the ground to slow himself, rolling backwards and landing on his feet with unusual grace for one clad in such heavy armor.

The first attack may have caught him off guard, but the second did not. When Bandos appeared again, air blurring and shining to signify a short range teleport, the flail slammed into the metal belt buckle of the war god, divinely forged metal bending and creaking under the sheer force of the blow, both horns snapping from it. A downward swing was shouldered under the massive greatshield, greaves sinking into the ground from the pressure brought to bear upon them.

Several blows were traded, and Raptor lost a pauldron, in exchange for Bandos losing a knee-guard, until something happened. The Warmace of Bandos swung over the ducking form of Raptor, turning two nearby evergreens into sawdust.

Raptor took advantage of the newly formed open area, and ran up the side of a nearby column, jumping off and swinging his flail downward at the War god’s helm. “Such a simple mistake.” Bandos grumbled, grabbed the weapon in motion, and turned sharply, throwing Raptor across the front entrance to the camp and into another pillar that was standing atop a small cliff above the camp. With a single clench of his fist, the weapon was mangled beyond repair, and unceremoniously dropped to the ground.

“I had high hopes for you. The beginning was quite impressive, but then you decided to do something so unwise, as if I were just a dumb monster that would stand there waiting to be hit. Disappointing.” Bandos took slow steps toward the downed fighter, each one still causing a small rumble in the ground. He stopped when the Raptor stood back up, pushing himself up with his shield. “What?”

27-Dec-2013 05:38:38

Aug Member 2008


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“Don’t talk on the battlefield, just fight. There is only one occasion when one should talk instead, and this is not that.” And with that, Raptor jabbed the pointed bottom of his shield into the base of the pillar, wrenching it free.

There had been structural issues when building the Tower. For one, the ground was fairly uneven, and loose on the side near the Goblin village, a result of unsophisticated work by the goblins when making the village. To combat this deficiency, the tower was made to lean heavily away from the village, and had a large support pillar bearing the weight of the tower made to the east of it. Then, when the divination required for the Scarecrow was beginning, it was revealed that the amount of heat that the charging output was melting the icy ground near Ice Mountain that the main support pillar rested on.

More supports were made, and were chained to the side of the tower to prevent it from moving. It was rather makeshift, and were a bit silly, but with proper decoration, the chains gave the tower a more ominous feel. A net win. At least until now.

The pillar swung unusually fast along the path of the chain, the Raptor riding along the top of it. Caught off guard and with little time, Bandos managed to raise his arm to catch the blow, reeling from the hit. Stumbling, Bandos bowled over a second support, this one close to Goblin village and with a taut chain.

Bandos managed to catch a glimpse of his precious tower crumbling, crashing into the side of Ice mountain, before the Raptor covered his vision. The weight of the Warrior slamming into him while already off balance caused him to slam to the ground, and he was besieged with blows from the shield. Bandos punched at the warrior, being too close to use his mace, and was rewarded with the shield flying away.

Raptor drew one of the blades at his side and rammed it into Bandos’ neck, but the thick hide misdirected the blow, and Raptor only scored a shallow cut for his efforts.

27-Dec-2013 05:39:15

Aug Member 2008


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Metal screamed and rent as Bandos leaned his head and thrust with his horn, goring Raptor through the chest and hurling him away. For the first time, the warrior had been badly injured, but at tremendous cost. The tower was gone, and the energy dispersed. Weeks of work had been wiped clean in a battle that had barely lasted a few minutes, with a mortal no less.

When the Raptor stood, a hole large enough to fit a human arm yet not bleeding in his chest, Bandos gaped. “What are you? No mortal can withstand a wound like that!”

“I told you,” the shambling wounded warrior rasped, “I am not a mortal, nor am I a god. I am not human, dwarf, elf, or any other race. All of those are used by people who can*t see past their comparisons to others. I am a warrior under this armor, nothing less, nothing more.

“Then prepare yourself, warrior!” Bandos roared, “In the third age, no map was ever drawn, for fear that it would have to be remade the moment I next went into battle! Witness the true wrath of an angry god!”

27-Dec-2013 05:39:45

Aug Member 2008


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Bandos swung his mace downwards with both hands. The Raptor clenched his fists together and bashed the falling shaft of the mace aside. It bounced against the ground, and a small nearby castle crumbled as huge spikes of earth sundered it apart. Another swing flew over Raptor, and the force of it carved a large indent in the mountain itself, forming what looked to be half of a cave tunnel.

The third strike slammed into the ground inches from Raptor, him moving less than a second before being crushed. The Raptor jumped onto the shaft of the mace and ran up it, sliding along Bandos’ shoulder and onto his back. With a lighting fast movement, Raptor pushed himself onto Bandos’ helmet, and slammed his armoured elbow into the base of Bandos’ horn, leveraging his other hand right above it on the other side.

With a loud crack, Bandos’ pride and glory, his single majestic horn, snapped off .

27-Dec-2013 05:40:15

Aug Member 2008


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Bandos howled in pain, and with a snap of his fingers, a second Bandos appeared, carrying a mace of his own.

The Raptor’s helmet twitched rapidly between the two as he moved with the speed that only someone who wore armor as naturally as breathing could, weaving in and out of the two, and scoring small stab wounds on each with the horn, which was now being used as an improvised short sword. Gouges ripped into the earth, and the wilderness wall was leveled as great pieces of the landscape flew like skipping stones.

Then, feeling exhaustion burning his body, the Raptor used his last resource, and in a small compartment within the torso, a soul rune and mind rune burned, and turned to dust.

One of the Bandos suddenly swerved mid-swing, and crashed into the other. When the staggering Bandos disappeared from the original’s loss of focus, and the destroyed armor of the war god clattered to the ground, Raptor lept.

The divine iron skin of the war god met with the divine horn meant to pierce other such skin, and gave way. The horn sunk into the heaving chest of the war god, and the giant collapsed to the ground.

The Raptor stood shakily near him, the pristine red and gold armor now little more than scrap metal that still seemed intent on continuing to conceal its owner’s identity.

27-Dec-2013 05:42:28

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