I think her being reserved for the Desert quests is enough to rule her out. While she would get some focus next year if Menaphos and Desert quests do well in the survey, Icthlarin's role in the series… well, I'd say that depends on how you feel on the voice having a direct connection to Armadyl.
My main reservation on the voice being connected to Armadyl is when exactly Jagex decided on Sliske's master. Was it like they retroactively decided somewhere between Fate of the Gods and this quest who the master would be because Armadyl won The Bird and the Beast? Otherwise, it makes the choices for the summit too… narrow.
I mean, Armadyl and Vorago are going to be involved no matter what, but we had to choose between Icthlarin and Death. Despite Icthlarin's role, we can effectively say that Death is more important. If the voice is Amascut, it would either have to account for us giving Death a score while denying Icthlarin one, or worst-case scenario, completely ignore that there is effectively a binary between Icthlarin and Death now.
A safer option would probably be to just look at how the voice wants a gathering. Is there any reason to believe it's interested in any one of the contestants above all others? Maybe Armadyl, but only because of the Staff. For all we know, it could just see Armadyl as the Staff's "False User" the same way the Dragonkin would view Saradomin or Zamorak.
04-Jun-2016 16:08:35