
Sliske's Master? (KS spoilers)

Quick find code: 341-342-944-65794814



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Don't forget Gregorovic; he's known Sliske for a long time. And it's quite possible he now thinks beauty is meaningless; I mean, just look at him. By consuming other beings (including that fury), he could well have increased in power to the point that Sliske now views him as an equal.

On the other hand, it's unclear why he would have so much knowledge about the Siphon, unless he somehow obtained it by interrogating the Cywir elves he kidnapped.
Are you ready to enter the Mind of Rutha?

04-Jun-2016 19:13:02



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Hostilius is dead.

QoA would come out of nowhere and she has no known history with the staff. Also, whereas V notes that Xau-Tak is here, he makes no such note for her.

The sixth Elder God is possible, but unlikely. Elder Gods do not have any ability to communicate with mortals. For this to be possible, the sixth Elder God would need to break that rule.

Zaros seems the most likely. The communication portal should allow him to speak directly to their minds, so he could do it. Sliske seems shifty when he says he "lives to serve" so it would seem he's not all that loyal to this master of his (and he wasn't loyal to Zaros). Zaros would likely know about the staff's powers. Zaros is also meant to feel little emotion compared to Seren, going as far to call love pointless. I doubt Zaros would be stupid enough to care much for beauty either.

Honestly, the only thing that makes me doubt it's Zaros is that Sliske would turn when speaking to this person, suggesting they were physically there.
Runescape doesn't need a needs a villain. An all encompassing force of evil that will remain ever-threatening and use chaos to make the peoples of Gielinor tolerate each other, grow strong together, and fight side by side against this evil. I am that villain.

04-Jun-2016 19:36:21

Jan Member 2021


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Hazeel said :
Hostilius is dead.

Are you sure about that? I was pretty sure about it myself, but when I said it on reddit Mod Jack started to quote Lovecraft at me.

"That is not dead which can eternal lie."
I have noticed your kind does tend to blindly stumble forward towards danger simply because it exists. What is your word for that?
- We call it being a hero.

04-Jun-2016 19:50:38

Dec Member 2023


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This kind of got lost so i*ll repost it.

I don't believe the voice is Sliske's master. Now I recognize that the voice is quite demanding, and Sliske even says I live to serve. But Sliske has always been very sarcastic so I doubt that he actually serves the voice. I think the only connection between the two is that the voice has made a deal with Sliske.

So with keeping in mind that it's still quite possible that Sliske is still independent, I'll go over a few of my own theories about who this partner could be.

So this is what we know:

-The voice calls the Siphon by its mortal name. This implies that the Voice is not part of the older individuals in the universe. (Elder gods and their servants etc.) but is a mortal.
-that the voice knows a lot about how the staff works.
-They also apparently are incapable doing whatever it is they want themselves, which is why Sliske is doing it for them.
-that there was a book talking about how to displace souls. Further implied by Sliske's diagram.
-that Sliske recently went to the asylum for some reason
-that there is adevice that effects that focuses the shadow realm
- that there is the existence of two things that need to be made more compatible which is implied to be done through Sliske's game which forced the World Guardian to embrace being an arrogant, zamorakian bully.

I think the answer is Viggora.
-In DaT, Sliske implies he has a spy in Zamoraks ranks because he is so certain that the stone will be discovered, and Viggora is the one to discover it.
-Viggora also has a connection to both the shadow realm and the staff, but can't use it because he is a ghost
-Normally, he's lost his mind, but it's not impossible that the shadow focus helps him keep his sanity. Sliske recently visited Nabor's asylum, perhaps for research to help Viggora.
-Most importantly, Viggora is an arrogant Zamorakian bully who is in need of a body.

Perhaps Sliske offered him a body.

04-Jun-2016 20:04:39

Dec Member 2023


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I think Viggora fits a lot better than most of the other candidates.

For one, he is one of the only ones to actually make an appearance so far in the Sliske series.

Secondly, he still has a lot of mystery behind him. It was never actually explained why he was cursed. Unlike the other ghosts he never actually interacted with the staff, at least according to his tales, so it makes no sense why he would be cursed. I think he played a bigger role than he let on.

04-Jun-2016 20:07:08 - Last edited on 04-Jun-2016 20:13:06 by Cthris



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It can't be Viggora for several obvious reasons, but the most important one is that they made it clear that people only benefit from Zamorak's aura if they are loyal to him. If Viggora wasn't loyal to him, he wouldn't be capable of doing anything right now. Runescape doesn't need a needs a villain. An all encompassing force of evil that will remain ever-threatening and use chaos to make the peoples of Gielinor tolerate each other, grow strong together, and fight side by side against this evil. I am that villain.

04-Jun-2016 20:12:29

Dec Member 2023


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Hazeel said :
It can't be Viggora for several obvious reasons, but the most important one is that they made it clear that people only benefit from Zamorak's aura if they are loyal to him. If Viggora wasn't loyal to him, he wouldn't be capable of doing anything right now.

We only assume that it was because, or solely because of Zamorak that he is no longer insane. We don`t actually know. Besides, Bilrach's dialog in DaT implies that Zamorak's aura effect's the area that he is in, and during DaT, when Viggora is most active, Zamorak is in Daemonhiem, far away from Viggora. Unless we are * believe Zamorak's aura extends across the entire planet.. which is kind of ridicules. So saying it was Zamorak's return that cured his insanity is not a satisfactory answer.

Like I said, it could have been because of Sliske. He did go to the asylum for something, getting a cure for Viggora`s madness would fit.

Plus making deals with Sliske doesn`t necessarily mean you are unloyal. The barrows brother`s were mostly loyal to Saradomin despite making deals with Sliske.

04-Jun-2016 20:15:01 - Last edited on 04-Jun-2016 20:29:01 by Cthris



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I'm going by J Mod quotes, which have said that they don't need to be near Zamorak for the aura to work, but you do need to be loyal to Zamorak. You do notice that while the other ghosts are the same, you can talk to Viggora after DaT and he is now sane, despite being far away from Zamorak. Runescape doesn't need a needs a villain. An all encompassing force of evil that will remain ever-threatening and use chaos to make the peoples of Gielinor tolerate each other, grow strong together, and fight side by side against this evil. I am that villain.

04-Jun-2016 20:37:00

Dec Member 2023


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Hazeel said :
I'm going by J Mod quotes, which have said that they don't need to be near Zamorak for the aura to work, but you do need to be loyal to Zamorak. You do notice that while the other ghosts are the same, you can talk to Viggora after DaT and he is now sane, despite being far away from Zamorak.

Okay, maybe Zamorak's aura does somehow affect him across the continent, and perhaps it is solely because of Zamorak that he's not insane anymore despite it being quite silly that all of a sudden now his loyalty effects his sanity seeing as apparently distance means nothing. Or maybe said jmod quotes are no longer acurate.

Regardless it is still irrelevant to disproving Viggora as a canidate because like I said above, Viggora making a deal with Sliske does not mean he is not loyal to Zamorak.

04-Jun-2016 20:47:29 - Last edited on 04-Jun-2016 23:28:33 by Cthris



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I can only guess that the reason loyalty is required is because he isn't Tier 2 like Zaros, but uh...

Cthris said :
Viggora making a deal with Sliske does not mean he is not making a deal with Sliske.

Runescape doesn't need a needs a villain. An all encompassing force of evil that will remain ever-threatening and use chaos to make the peoples of Gielinor tolerate each other, grow strong together, and fight side by side against this evil. I am that villain.

04-Jun-2016 21:16:19

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