Syrus Coy
I could be wrong, it may not be zaros.
But I think people are being bias, wanting this person to be a random new character.
We know its not Xau-Takulala, and pulling out random dragonkin and 6th elder god theories is ridiculous.
Until there is something more solid, it makes far more sense to believe it is zaros, and whatever doesn't seem to make sense right now could be explained later.
And Kemtros, wanting all the gods to show up and distraction by the stone of jas can very much be the same god.
i don't want it to be a new character - it would be far cooler to reveal that it's an old character. However, I think there's too much evidence against him - for example Sliske's suggestion to betray Zaros during FotG as well as Zaros' dialogue regarding both Sliske and his die*id* - for it to be Zaros. It would make a bad plot twist as well: "you know those 2 characters that have stopped working together? They're secretly working together!" I'm not sure who it is, I'm just sure who it isn't.
Ill like to point this out; after Fot* you can meet with sliske again for some post-quest dialogue and rewards, and he mentions something about "I'll still keep my promise" meaning perhaps he was still going to carry out his part of whatever zaros had planned.
Syrus Coy
Ill like to point this out; after Fot* you can meet with sliske again for some post-quest dialogue and rewards, and he mentions something about "I'll still keep my promise" meaning perhaps he was still going to carry out his part of whatever zaros had planned.
i've been reading some of the post-quest dialogue on the wiki and it seems to refer to Sliske distracting the gods while Zaros returns.
Sliske also reveals his ultimate plan to be to start a second god wars. Based on that, I would almost believe Bandos to be his master but Sliske's diary implies he didn't really care for his death. Combining this with this new bit of lore, I'm not sure what to think. Who or what would want to start a second god wars?
On a side note, it also reveals (back then!) that there is a huge amount of power under the Kharidian Desert.
Feonix ironman clan
(1k total, IM and HCIM only)
Note how the Zaro's component gives "Impatience" as a perk?
And the line where the voice says "Beauty is irrelevant" could have actually meant "Beauty is irrelevant to this conversation"
Zamorak' components also give the "Impatience" perk, suggesting that it's not inherently tied to Zaros specifically.
The mysterious voice says "Beauty is
", and then "This conversation is irrelevant." So it's not that beauty is lacking in relevance to the conversation, it's the conversation
is irrelevant. The mysterious voice is completely disregarding the concept of beauty altogether, which is a far grander statement than simply whether or not it's relevant.
It's been pointed out that a lot of what Zaros says might just be him putting on an act for us, but we have his memoriam crystals, which should clearly indicate his honest thoughts. "Though I am unique, there was one other created at the same time as I. The light to my darkness. I find it
, and the attraction is mutual. Whereas I am analytical, my companion is empathetic. We are opposites, but we are also the same. I know not our creator's purpose, but it is good to not be alone."
While Zaros is a logical being, he does seem to understand why someone would find meaning in beauty. While he did realize that Mah's idea of love was false, I don't think it would push Zaros to deciding "Beauty is meaningless."
we have to remember whoever sliske was talking to was VERY experienced with the staff, as he knew relatively advanced methods of using it, such as being able to track down the stone of jas with it which i doubt you learn without being in possession of for a while.
so the only ones we really know of who had the staff for enough time to possibly learn about this (minus sliske since we know he was told) is armadyl and possibly lucien. Now, for the most part i believe lucien is 100% dead (although hes still likely one way or another, maybe he was resurrected like hazeel? still though dialogue didnt feel very lucien like "this will bring them?"
Armadyl would never help sliske, so that would leave before armadyl got the staff, for the most part i dont think we really have any idea how armadyl got the staff or from who. so its possible whoever armadyl got the staff from orginally had it for a significant amount of time (if it was even from a person) so im concluding it could very well be someone or something we havent seen before as the mysterious person has significant knowledge of the staff implying it wielded it at some point in time, and the person also seemed very much out of the loop of things and overall well, ****** and exteremly impatient like he/she waited forever for the upcoming moments.
^Yeah, pretty much that. Thank you. I kind of wonder if this was a story decision based on Armadyl winning The Bird and the Beast. When Sliske invited Vorago, it sounds like Sliske is already hoping for Armadyl to lose. Maybe the mysterious voice has a particular grudge against Armadyl?
Hmmm...it would be interesting if it were Armadyl...
Runescape doesn't need a hero...it needs a villain. An all encompassing force of evil that will remain ever-threatening and use chaos to make the peoples of Gielinor tolerate each other, grow strong together, and fight side by side against this evil. I am that villain.
………Hmm. What if Armadyl's second artefact was the Schism? And somehow the mysterious voice is a second soul implanted into Armadyl? It's not something I'm really hoping for, but at least it's a possibility.
It'd certainly explain the orange font.
………Hmm. What if Armadyl's second artefact was the Schism? And somehow the mysterious voice is a second soul implanted into Armadyl? It's not something I'm really hoping for, but at least it's a possibility.
So maybe Armadyl is RuneScape's version of Firestorm (from the comics)?
Are you ready to enter
the Mind of Rutha?
03-Jun-2016 06:21:35
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03-Jun-2016 06:22:34
okay, to summarize from this thread. Sliske's master:
- Finds beauty meaningless and talking about it irrelevant. (1)
- Has incredible knowledge of the staff. (1)
- Possibly doesn't use The Siphon's true name, although it's possible this was just for ease of communication. Although Sliske knows its true name since the start of the 6th age at least. (1)(2)
- Wants all the gods together, possibly to start a second god wars. (1)(3)
- Has orange text? (1)
- Is specifically not Xau-Tak. (4)
- Is likely not dragonkin, as Sliske has a low opinion of them. (3)
The meeting also takes place before Missing, Presumed Death but probably after Sliske kills Guthix.
I honestly have no clue who it is.
Edit: sources:
1. Dialogue Sliske has with his master during KS.
2. Sliske's Ramblings by Sliske.
3. Post-quest Fot* dialogue.
4. Post-quest KS Stream.
Feonix ironman clan
(1k total, IM and HCIM only)
03-Jun-2016 08:53:20
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03-Jun-2016 17:57:13