Ancient Drew
Maiden China
Ancient Drew
Akthanakos is disappointed that all the other Mahjarrat are having the fun, Zamorak included.
lucien's not having the fun. neither is jhallan
Jhallan and Lucien are disappointed that they got sent to bed early.
[insert random dead mahjarrat here] is disappointed too
I do not ship ZamorakxZaros.
I follow them. And Marimbo, the best t5 god.
Maiden China
Oh, I mean that wahi is supposed to be 'wise' but he's wrong about mah, hes wrong about the muspah, he's probably wrong about the ritual of enervation...
The wise in his name is just put there so he can be an ali and have his ali-name be an anagram of his actual name
Yeah, he turned out to be wrong but can you really say his conclusions weren't wise?
Here's the text from his memory:
I am not convinced personally the Mother Mah or the Muspah ever existed. Certainly by the time of my birth it had been many thousands of years since a Muspah was supposed to have been seen, and any who made the perilous trek up to the volcano to search for our goddess did not return. The Ritual of Rejuvenation had become an intrinsic part of our culture, one that I believe served more as a tool of political control than of religious purpose. Of course, voicing such progressive thoughts would have been me next in line, so I kept them to myself. While I cannot deny that seismic activity occurs, I am not convinced that it was a necessary component of procreation, nor that the Ritual of Enervation had anything to do with its natural cessation. It had simply become our custom to breed during earthquakes.
Based on the evidence he had available, could you really fault him for the conclusions he drew?
To draw parallels to real life, I doubt many (or any) people believe in the Greek Gods or their mythological monsters anymore despite the many claims of seeing them made back then. Would you really consider people unwise to have doubted those legends if one of those monsters just suddenly showed up?
And given the continuation of the Ritual of Enervation on Gielinor, I'd say he was spot on about it being more politics than religion.
And the Mah that taught them the rituals was the fake Mah
I do not ship ZamorakxZaros.
I follow them. And Marimbo, the best t5 god.
Azzanadra is disappointed that WiFi still hasn't come yet, stopping me from sending glory to Zaros. Fear not though, he still gets glory from the heart.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in
Naval Cataclysm!
Azzanadra is disappointed that Akthanakos dares to question The Great and Glorious Zaros. He is also disappointed that Wahisietel is disappointed in Zaros for leaving him out of the fun.
You never were our brightest star, Khazard. 'Vermin slaughtered like lambs'? What does that even mean?
Zarorakdomindosthixdylrentokurothskadiniskendisrinbarasbebetscutmekenmbodalnornabtak prime of ashes V is disappointed that no one follows it.
I do not ship ZamorakxZaros.
I follow them. And Marimbo, the best t5 god.
Azzanadra is disappointed that Akthanakos dares to question The Great and Glorious Zaros. He is also disappointed that Wahisietel is disappointed in Zaros for leaving him out of the fun.
didnt do the quest... am imagining zaros said something negative about camels
And he's also disappointed by the lack of dignity and proper behaviour on some fellow Mahjarrats' part lately. One of them is obsessed with camels, now another goes and starts playing W-i-l-l-y W-o-n-k-a #willsomeonefinallyfixunnecessarycensorhipthankyou. Azzanadra truly wonders what's next, will Wahisietel try to steal Christmas or something?!
And it happened, only it wasn't Wahisietel but Sliske again.
Azzanadra is also disappointed that Sliske got a JMod title and he didn't.
The Green World Guardian of Guthix and of Gielinor