Dr. Nabanik is so cute
dr nabanik... should have new graphics, but not Zanik-style because that would be disappointing to everyone
and he is cute, yes
and very likeable
Azzanandra is disappointed that you want Dr nabanik to have new graphics instead of Zaros (even though he doesn't need it)
Azzanadra is disappointed that you believe that Azzanadra wants Zaros to have new graphics when Zaros is already the embodiment of perfection.
Azzanadra called us close. He then bellowed at the top of his lungs "
Don't disappoint me or you shall suffer the consequences!
Azzanadra is disappointed that we're not helping the Purple Knights in the Invasion of Falador. Likewise, he's disappointed we don't have our Tiny Purple Knight following us.
Finally, he is disappointed we discovered the Spirit of Farradorn instead of the Spirit of Senntisten.
Zaxil Nox
Azzanadra is disappointed that we're not helping the Purple Knights in the Invasion of Falador. Likewise, he's disappointed we don't have our Tiny Purple Knight following us.
Finally, he is disappointed we discovered the Spirit of Farradorn instead of the Spirit of Senntisten.
It just doesn't get any better.
Zimmyzar is disappointed because azzy does not create the order of purple knights yet.
I do not ship ZamorakxZaros.
I follow them. And Marimbo, the best t5 god.
Just in case, SPOILER ALERT if you haven't done the research notes miniquest at the Falador event yet!
Azzanadra is disappointed that the Spirit of Farradorn prophesied a yet unknown queen as the future ruler of Asgarnia instead of Zaros. And also by the fact that we didn't claim the banner for Zaros anyway.
Zaxil Nox
Likewise, he's disappointed we don't have our Tiny Purple Knight following us.
That would sing Purple rain instead of Ebony and ivory.
The Green World Guardian of Guthix and of Gielinor
20-Oct-2015 17:11:05
- Last edited on
20-Oct-2015 17:25:12
Azzanadra is disappointed that we are fighting in the battle, rather than convincing the knights to collectively praise Zaros.
Newest Disciple of Xau-Tak
Azzanadra is disappointed that we're trying to get the Lost Sword of Raddallin for ourselves and not Zaros.
Azzanadra called us close. He then bellowed at the top of his lungs "
Don't disappoint me or you shall suffer the consequences!