Lo Da Gal
Azzanadra is disappointed that you did not champion the cause of Zaros in the Invasion of Falador.
The Siege of Falador is yet to happen as it comes only next week, therefore one couldn't have championed the cause of Zaros during an event that has not taken place. Which leaves the witness, Azzanadra more disappointed as there are only the Kinshra and the White Knights taking part. I rest my case.
Azzanadra is disappointed that you made a reference to Ace Attorney instead of making a refernece to Zaros. Furthermore Azzanadra is even more disappointed that you think that the constructs of time and space should limit his disappointment of not championing Zaros' cause.
Lo Da Gal
Azzanadra is disappointed that you did not champion the cause of Zaros in the Invasion of Falador.
The Siege of Falador is yet to happen as it comes only next week, therefore one couldn't have championed the cause of Zaros during an event that has not taken place. Which leaves the witness, Azzanadra more disappointed as there are only the Kinshra and the White Knights taking part. I rest my case.
Azzanadra is disappointed that you made a reference to Ace Attorney instead of making a refernece to Zaros. Furthermore Azzanadra is even more disappointed that you think that the constructs of time and space should limit his disappointment of not championing Zaros' cause.
Azzanadra is disappointed that you were the one who referenced the omnipresence of his disappointment and not me. Azzanadra is further disappointed that you even had to state that his disappointment transcends space and time when it has already been established that his disappointment is capable of deconstructing and reconstructing the universe as we know it.
Azzanadra called us close. He then bellowed at the top of his lungs "
Don't disappoint me or you shall suffer the consequences!
Maiden China
Miss Malice
Nothing short of Zammy's head on a platter
disappointed that he doesn't get to torture him
disappointed that he doesn't get to kill him himself for the glory of Zaros
disappointed that Zaros never personally got his revenge
disappointed the platter isn't purple
disappointed that Zamorak can't beg for forgiveness
disappointed that it's a platter and not Zaros
*Hangs head in shame. No,
Azzanadra is disappointed his alter ego hasn't up to date graphics
15-Oct-2015 08:14:20
- Last edited on
15-Oct-2015 08:14:41
Miss Malice
Miss Malice
Azzanadra is disappointed his alter ego hasn't up to date graphics
Azzanadra is disappointed that it's his alter ego at all when it's been years now since it could be his proper mahjarrat self standing there instead.
The Green World Guardian of Guthix and of Gielinor
Azzanadra is disappointed Lord Drakan deeded land to Sliske for his Barrows instead of deeding it to Zaros.
Azzanadra is disappointed you did not present him with a plaque bearing Lord Drakan's head. It would've looked nice hanging in Senntisten.
Azzanadra is disappointed you did not give him the pleasure of stabbing Lord Draken in the head with the Sunspear. Or better yet you could've had the decency of finding Zaros during the 5th age so that Zaros himself could've made an example of Lord Drakan!
Dr. Nabanik is so cute
dr nabanik... should have new graphics, but not Zanik-style because that would be disappointing to everyone
and he is cute, yes
and very likeable
Dr. Nabanik is so cute
dr nabanik... should have new graphics, but not Zanik-style because that would be disappointing to everyone
and he is cute, yes
and very likeable
Azzanandra is disappointed that you want Dr nabanik to have new graphics instead of Zaros (even though he doesn't need it)