Azzanadra is disappointed that people have forgotten about this thread.
Azzanadra is disappointed that neither of the quests being polled features Zaros.
Azzanadra is disappointed that we are snowboarding without inviting Zaros to join in.
Azzanadra is disappointed in us for leading Snowverload to Santa Claus and not to Zaros.
Azzanadra is disappointed we must melt Snow Elementals for the Queen of Snow instead of installing proper heating at Ghorrock.
Azzanadra is disappointed about this list of disappointments being so long. We really must be messing up a lot recently.
Azzanadra is disappointed we get a special quiver from the Elf Task set instead of a special Zaros-aligned reward.
Azzanadra is pleased that I remembered to bump this thread....but is massively disappointed that I failed to do all of the above for Zaros.
Azzanadra is disappointed that a dwarf-in-a-barrel was released to test our DPS instead of an enemy of Zaros-in-a-barrel.
Azzanadra is disappointed this list of disappointments has gotten even larger.
Azzanadra is disappointed the owner of this thread has not returned to document more disappointments. For shame!
Azzanadra is disappointed that people find this thread funny at his expense.
Azzanadra is disappointed we handed Enchanted Snow to Santa's Head Elf instead of handing it over to Zaros.
Azzanadra is disappointed that we just had a Dungeoneering weekend and not a Zaros weekend.
Azzanadra is disappointed we cannot pull the Giant Christmas Cracker in the name of Zaros. Also, he is upset the cracker is red and green, but not purple and gold.
Azzanadra is disappointed in us for donating Bonds to Oxfam via Thorvar Crittersmash when we should be donating Bonds to the Zarosian cause via Soran.
Azzanadra is disappointed we donate such a gigantic amount of gold to the Well of Goodwill and not to the reconstruction of the Zarosian Empire. However, he would be pleased if we co-opted the Well of Goodwill in the name of Zaros.
23-Dec-2014 03:28:58