Azzanadra is disappointed that though I had tutelage over three young goebies during CotA, I haven't converted them to Zarosianism, nor have I made them change the colour of their warpaints to purple.
The Green World Guardian of Guthix and of Gielinor
Miss Malice
Nothing short of Zammy's head on a platter
disappointed that he doesn't get to torture him
disappointed that he doesn't get to kill him himself for the glory of Zaros
disappointed that Zaros never personally got his revenge
disappointed the platter isn't purple
disappointed that Zamorak can't beg for forgiveness
disappointed that it's a platter and not Zaros
Maiden China
Miss Malice
Nothing short of Zammy's head on a platter
disappointed that he doesn't get to torture him
disappointed that he doesn't get to kill him himself for the glory of Zaros
disappointed that Zaros never personally got his revenge
disappointed the platter isn't purple
disappointed that Zamorak can't beg for forgiveness
Miss Malice
Nothing short of Zammy's head on a platter
Maiden China
disappointed that it's a platter and not Zaros
So... Zammy's head on Zaros?... Wait, wut?
The Green World Guardian of Guthix and of Gielinor
Azzanadra is disappointed that you did not champion the cause of Zaros in the Invasion of Falador.
Updates are hard to make, especially when it's a solo project, so raging against the mod will get you nothing.
Azzanadra is disappointed that you did not champion the cause of Zaros in the Invasion of Falador.
The Siege of Falador is yet to happen as it comes only next week, therefore one couldn't have championed the cause of Zaros during an event that has not taken place. Which leaves the witness, Azzanadra more disappointed as there are only the Kinshra and the White Knights taking part. I rest my case.
2 things you should know about me:
I am not a fan of Anime but I am a proud Pegasister!