Azzanadra is disappointed that no one knows how many disappointment volumes he wrote so far, ever since he was Legatus Maximus and that no one knows of his "Grand Library of Disappointment".
Azzanadra is also DEEPLY disappointed to see so many people believing in "Sueradonim" instead of Zaros (considering that he secretly kills many children in RS, which is why you barely see any; he REALLY hates children. Especially when they try to get up on his lap during Christmas and pull his beard, or stain his robes with purple candy (Azzanadra is pleased with children staining Saradomin's robes with purple sweets).
With people like that, I think Oktoberfest will have a large supply of pretzlels this year.
He's also disappointed that I didn't write everything in purple
11-Aug-2016 21:44:58
- Last edited on
11-Aug-2016 21:47:42