Azzanadra is disappointed that you have to help Icthlarin in the halloween event and not Zaros.
Azzanandra is disappointed you would assume im helping icthlarin, when im secretly doing it for Zaros.
Azzanadra is disappointed that you are worshiping a chest in Falador Park and not worshiping Zaros.
Even if you are worshiping in the name of Zaros, you are still not worshiping to an altar to Zaros's glory; the Lost sword of King Raddallin is clearly Zamorakian.
Updates are hard to make, especially when it's a solo project, so raging against the mod will get you nothing.
Azzanadra is disappointed that Icthlarin is important to Sliske's Countdown because everyone should have just moved past him already and party with Zaros.
Azzanadra is disappointed that lorehounds are taking the word of two cats seriously and are raging over them, instead of basking in the warmth of Zaros.
Updates are hard to make, especially when it's a solo project, so raging against the mod will get you nothing.