Unfortunately, this is a problem most modern fantasy franchises have, ESPECIALLY mmos. Really, we have Tolkien to blame.
The issue is, of course, that while Tolkien had countless reams of notes on the millenia-long history of Middle Earth (that are somehow still being unearthed), game designers like to cash in on the majesty of an ancient world steeped in centuries-old sagas, but tend to paint in very broad stroked and fill in the details later.
While this should theoretically give them room to expand, more often than not it leads to a small handful of events with absurdly exaggerated durations, and a modern era that is somehow packed to the brim with ten times the action of the whole history of the world combined. It's kind of a necessity of advancing the story and continuously releasing content.
While it's a noble idea, I'm afraid this sort of thing has to fall into the category of willing suspension of disbelief - for me, at least.
23-Jul-2016 09:32:13