While I agree, there's something to consider:
If the Ritual they were performing was not allowed to work - Zaros, Seren, and Zamorak, AND the Mahjarrat (possible even Sliske) would have died because all their energy would have been siphoned off.
The death of Seren could have meant the death of many Elves. Or at least put them on the brink of extinction.
The death of many of the Mahjarrat would have led to power struggles (such as a new leader of the Khazard Army) and even complete civil war and chaos in some situations (assuming Moia would be unaffected AND could maintain control in Daemonheim without Zam or Bilrach)
In Dishonor among Thieves, I would have seen it as if you asked for "guidance" from an Emissary, because of how quick it was happening AND you were invited to the heist, you would have been asked to do what you can and at min, get the chance to do intelligence on what the Zamorakians and Sliske were up to.
In this case, the potential of seeing 3, even 4 factions, getting snuffed out would have done wonders for the likes of Saradomin and the Godless.
Armadyl probably would have suggested that you at least "try" (it's unlikely he would agree with Seren getting killed off)
Like I would have thought ot happen in DAT, your emissary would probably ask you to check in as well.
Imagine the possibility of finding what's up with the Mahjarrat?
Wait, one of the abomination gods is going to doom us all? we must stop it?
Oh, there's a ritual or something? see if there's something you could do to muck it up (if you have the chance)
The act that you're battling in the core of Mah's mind means you wouldn't get the chance to do anything.
Oh ... the intel you bring back: The Zarosian and Zamorakian Mahjarrat are now stable ... oopsie. They ain't even sacrificing one of their own every few centuries. And Zaros and Zammy are apparently stronger. So ..... what next?
You sure you want to report that?
25-Nov-2016 02:43:40