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Lore Corner - Answers!
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What races were Rief, Thera, Ria, Atrew, and Aeternam and what planes were they from? I just want to know which planes we'd need to visit to meet them now,
Rief sounded like he could have been a Demon/Auspah, Thera a Spirit Tree, Ria an Icyene, and not sure what Atrew or Aeternam was.
I had them in mind as human when I wrote it (if only because AoG didn't state they were anything other than human). I was riffing more on their elemental focus, and weaving a smattering of Elder God personality into those elements.
I'm not going to commit to an answer, as the notion that the elemental druids are other races Guthix brought together is rather cool, and would make them more visually interesting if the characters ever get used again in the future.
Helring said :
In the "Time" memory. Is Guthix discussing a conversation we will have with him in the future, or is he talking about our brief meeting during The Light Within?
In response to the latter, he's going through the stages of grief.
Chaos Lupus said :
9.) Once and for all, can you explicitly outright confirm that Vanstrom Klause was Ascertes?
Yes, we can.
Chaos Lupus said :
11.) Hypothetically, how many imps would it take to kill K'ril Tsutsaroth in a straight up cage fight to the death?
Assuming the imps don't cheat, 78.3 imps.
Rondstat said :
1. ...Was there originally a [River of Blood] third act planned that would have seen us face off against the conspirators, but that was cut for time/budget?
We were originally going to tie up the conspirator storyline completely in River of Blood, so they would have featured a little more in the final act, but not to the extent that you've theorised.
Player discussion in the lore forums at the time indicated a desire to see this story carry on into the 6th age, so we opted to push the story forward a step in River of Blood, and then leave it open for future expansion.
Rondstat said :
3. Falador standing stones. Do you guys know what they're for? You don't have to tell us, just - is there a specific significance in the lore bible?
As indicated in a recent Guthix memory, it's the ritual site where Guthix created the Balance Elemental.
Rondstat said :
4. Is there any chance at all of seeing a questing reset server? I know it's far too much work to make quests actually replayable in a polished, live server experience. But would it be possible to see a beta server with simple quest resets (like the Myreque reset or defence reset), unpolished, warts (bugs) and all?
Thanks to some TAPP work from Mod Daze, the Myreque series was made available for reset and replay on the beta server prior to River of Blood, so players could re-familiarise themselves with the storyline.
Sadly, the number of players who actually used this feature was literally in the single digits.
Avernic said :
What killed the Cyclosis, Goshima, and Turtle moai?
This was going to be answered in the sequel to Head of the Family, but we opted to focus on crew stories in batch 2. (You get a little bit of advancement through the Tuai Leit moai during Tuai Leit's Own.) Maybe in the Skull.
If you can't wait, or this never happens, there's a few possible explanations. The jiangshi needed more energy to sustain them, and the ancestral spirits of the island are delicious. Or it could have been a backlash of energy from the imbalance created by the jiangshi, blowing the moai's rocky brains out from inside, a la Scanners.
Or it could've been all your fault for moving a moai and disrupting the delicate spiritual equilibrium of the archipelago.
Avernic said :
Is there a reason behind the Memorial to Guthix's location?
Original message details are unavailable.
We know that crystal bows are able to focus light for their ammo, is it possible for other weapons to do so, or is the physical act of pulling on the bowstring actually needed? Ex. Could a crystal dagger, staff and other types of crystal items work in the same fashion?
No. No bowsword. Bad.
Original message details are unavailable.
Can we get an example of next year's elder gods quest?
Like Heart of Stone, but with more heart and a roughly equitable amount of stone.
Original message details are unavailable.
How do wisps work on ships? In Player owned ports, we have the option to recruit them, how do they help out?
Cyclopes perform the heavy lifting.
Wisps do the light lifting.
Original message details are unavailable.
What's the difference between Anima and Divine Energy?
Anima energy = life energy.
Divine energy = god energy.
Original message details are unavailable.
How does fairy magic work? Fairy rings are able to teleport a player to Kethsi, but the only other way is through the World Gate.
I'll answer your question with some (paraphrased) quotes from in-game fairy lore:
"Zanaris is an extremely old place. It was here long before we fairyfolk came to live here. In fact it is rumoured to be the nexus of all planes."
"When we arrived here, we found many of the magical properties of this place to be dormant. One of these was the ability to jump between planes using a powerful portal that had been sealed for centuries."
"The Fairy Queen harnessed that magic and created the fairy rings. These are not as powerful as the original portal would have been, but are very effective nonetheless."
"Much as we humans would refer to our souls as our life essence, so too does a fairy have a life essence of pure magic. You could refer to fairies as magic embodied, and not be wrong."
"I discovered my first evidence of the race I would come to know as fairies in my exploration of the myriad nature worlds...On one dark world, teeming with all manner of fungi in its humid jungles and moist swamps, I met with a race of surprisingly intellectual mushrooms. They lacked mobility, but travelled and reproduced by dispersing spores that fused with the nervous system of local animals, allowing them to control the host. Bonding with me in this way, I was able to communicate with the myceloids. Friendly though they were, it took much persuasion to convince the symbiotic parasites to detach from my brain upon taking root."
"Another world teemed with insects. A culture of winged invertebrates that bore some resemblance to the fairies of Zanaris, but the swarms were mindless and tirelessly industrious. The migration of these insects - which was achieved through an innate ability to teleport over short distances - also seemed to have a direct impact on the local climate, for reasons I could not discern."
"This brings us to the moon of Zanaris, its dark magical forests, giant fungi and, as I discovered on a return visit, a network of fairy rings they had made from the World Gate I'd placed there."
"The fairies of Zanaris, caretakers of the world below, obviously shared a common ancestry with the creatures I had encountered on the nature worlds. However, they were changed, transcendent, inextricably bound to the abundant magical energy of Gielinor, in order to fulfil a specific purpose."
"The fairies are an embodiment of magic - their life-force infused with anima. It is why they work so tirelessly to maintain Gielinor's weather and seasons, for the planet's equilibrium is intrinsic to their own wellbeing. They have no choice. It is now necessary for their very survival, but they perform their duty without complaint."
Astraea L said :
5. How much freedom does Saradomin give his followers to choose how they should live their lives?
Plenty. While there are plenty in the church that might wish to micromanage the daily lives of individual followers, Saradomin has to focus on the bigger picture, for the good of all.
Astraea L said :
6. Saradomin claims after Sliske's Endgame that he will create a utopia for all races. Would he strive to create a society where races such as demons or Mahjarrat could live in peace with humans?
Yes. Why would he discriminate over race?
Astraea L said :
7. What exactly was the sentient race other than the icyene that was native to New Domina?
It was very very bad. The darkness to the icyene's light, the devils to their angels. They could not be reasoned with; to pursue peace and diplomacy would be the icyene's undoing. The only option was to purge the corruption to prevent it from spreading.
Astraea L said :
8. Did the Temple Knights in the Fourth and Fifth Ages really communicate directly with Saradomin?
So they claim.
Astraea L said :
9. What metal is the Saradomin sword wielded by Zilyana made of?
Cold steel.
Astraea L said :
10. Are there any gods other than the ones we know about who fought in the God Wars? If so, how many?
Yes. No.
Astraea L said :
11. Would it be accurate to say that Saradomin has a personal hatred of the Dragonkin beyond merely being a target of theirs? He seems quite adamant that they're nothing more than beasts who deserve to die.
He sees them as a threat, which they most certainly are. They wield a terrible destructive power.
Astraea L said :
12. How old is the current cycle of the universe?
Very very very very very very very very very (gasp) very very very very old.
Astraea L said :
15. Is divination energy infinite?
No energy is infinite. Except for those that are.
Marine Doge said :
1. Guthix called Atrew an 'aquamancer' in his memory (Aqua being a Latin/Infernal root word compared to Necro or Geo being Greek/Teragardian), while Wizard Myrtle is referred to as a 'hydromancer'. Is this just a mistake in consistency, or did magic have different names in ancient times due to the Empire's influence on language?
This was intended as an acknowledgement to the player Aquamancer, who provided a lot of research on Armies of Gielinor which proved instrumental in working some of its lore into the memories of Guthix. You can consider aquamancer to be synonymous with hydromancer.
Marine Doge said :
2. Can a human (or other race requiring runes for magic) train themselves beyond the need for runes?
If they can find another source of magic than the 'borrowed power' that are runestones, yes. It has to come from somewhere.
Marine Doge said :
5. What's the difference between anima and divine energy? Is divine energy just a form of concentrated anima?
Divine energy is the life energy of a divine being (ie a deity). Anima, life and magical power are intrinsically connected.
Marine Doge said :
6. Is the act of souls going to the Underworld and Afterlife just a way of returning their anima to the planet? And-- Souls ARE a form of anima, right?
Marine Doge said :
9. Are onyxes from the TzHaar the same as onyxes in real life? Because onyxes in real life are just a form of common quartz, so TzHaar onyxes are likely something different - just with the same name, right?
Gielinor is subtly different from Earth in a variety of ways. Gielinorian lava is more like boiling kool-aid, for example; I wouldn't advise standing that close to flowing lava on Earth.
Best to stay indoors; there's less lava.
Captain Lime said :
31. How old is Saradomin?
Very very very very very very very very very (gasp) very very (you get the idea).
Captain Lime said :
32. How old is Saradomin’s daughter?
How rude!
Captain Lime said :
41. Where exactly do Gorajo come from?
Well, you see, when a male gorajo and a female gorajo love each other very much...
Captain Lime said :
43. What would it be like if we opened a stronger channel of anima into other animals and stuff, like Guthix did for Argento?
It would be bad. Don't cross the streams.
Captain Lime said :
44. What is the effect of the Amserdrewys timey wimey key thingy on Jas?
In the cosmic game of Stone-Amserdrewystimeywimeykeything-Jas, Jas beats Amserdrewystimeywimeykeything. Every time.
Captain Lime said :
47. How does Aeternam exist outside of time? What does it mean to be a frozen witness sharded across time?
It's...complicated. It has a lot to do with the cyclic nature of the universe, and how the World Guardian has a long history of breaking things they shouldn't touch.
Captain Lime said :
48. What is the Great Wheel? I assume it means “the Galaxy.” What does it mean for the Great Wheel to spin?
Guthix was waxing metaphorical quite a lot here, but it's a reference to the wheel of fate, or Rota Fortunae, as well as what he understood of the cycles of time, the Great Revision.
Captain Lime said :
49. Are the facts that Gielinor is the center of the universe, Zanaris is Gielinor’s moon, and Zanaris being like the center of webs of the universe have any significant connection?
Yup. It means Arraxor finally has some lore.
Captain Lime said :
50. If Gielinor needs fairies to maintain the weather balance, then what about other planets?
Normally these ecological systems can cycle autonomously, albeit with a margin of error (earthquakes, volcanoes, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, that sort of thing).
The Elder Gods seemed to think it was important to carefully monitor and manage the meteorological and seasonal cycles of their perfect world, for...some reason.
There's a weather system planned for 2017. And an Elder God quest. Interesting! I wonder if those might connect in some way.
Captain Lime said :
51. The fairies are said to do their jobs without complaint, but what about the Fairy Godfather? Why did he try to overthrow the Fairy Queen?
The TokHaar were also meant to do their job without complaint, but the TzHaar happened.
Self-aware living things have an irritating tendency to not stick to the plan.
Captain Lime said :
52. Why are gnomes so widespread? It seems like everywhere we go there is some gnomic ambassador or another?
They get on well with other races. And when you're half their size, it's usually a good idea to become learned in diplomacy.
Captain Lime said :
57. Now that the Elder Gods are awakening, how will that impact the TzHaar? Their masters are returning!
The TzHaar wouldn't acknowledge the Elder Gods as their masters. They'd forgotten they even came from the Elder Kiln, before you delved deeper into their history. They have abandoned their true purpose, and the TokHaar see them as a wayward abomination.
Eridyn said :
7. So there was a previous World Guardian, we're not so unique after all. Possible to meet them?
They're a frozen witness, sharded across time, and you're not, so meeting them is...tricky. Don't come crying to me if you get turned inside out.
Eridyn said :
8. Why is the Player Character so dumb
Years of practice.
Eridyn said :
12. Will you approve the release of DOC2 yet, Osborne? And put Stu as head developer?
Eridyn said :
13. Penguins.
CD_Paladin_C said :
1)So did DoD Guthix kill the other gods instead of banishing them?
So it would seem.
Hazeel said :
5) Likewise, is the World Guardian destined to fail and die? Or can this death be prevented?
You're destined to fail and die. Embrace it. Enjoy it. It's all part of being human.
Swolllliosis said :
5. Was Ful the only other Elder God other than Jas to create an elder artefact?
Ful didn't necessarily create the Elder Kiln.
I believe the only in-game reference to this is a poorly-translated record from TokHaar-Hok (who himself was created from the Kiln, so how would he prove its origins?).
Swolllliosis said :
7. What does the Elder Horn actually do? Is it some kind of special mouthpiece like the mouthpieces Jas used to communicate with us in Sliske's Endgame? Is it used to communicate with divine energy-based races like seacreatures and tokhaar?
That would appear to be the case; though Ful created a caste (the TokHaar-Hok) specifically to pass instructions down to the other castes, and Heart of Stone indicates that the mouthpieces of the Elder Gods are also a thing.
It would appear there's some evolution and refinement of their communication methods to be seen here. Remember, the tools of the Elder Gods were often discarded when they outlived their usefulness, or were replaced by superior tools.
Swolllliosis said :
11. Are vampyres considered undead?
No. They're alien invaders from another world, who just happen to utilise blood as an efficient source of nutrition.
Our Vamp(y)res Are Different.
What races were Rief, Thera, Ria, Atrew, and Aeternam and what planes were they from? I just want to know which planes we'd need to visit to meet them now,
Rief sounded like he could have been a Demon/Auspah, Thera a Spirit Tree, Ria an Icyene, and not sure what Atrew or Aeternam was.
I had them in mind as human when I wrote it (if only because AoG didn't state they were anything other than human). I was riffing more on their elemental focus, and weaving a smattering of Elder God personality into those elements.
I'm not going to commit to an answer, as the notion that the elemental druids are other races Guthix brought together is rather cool, and would make them more visually interesting if the characters ever get used again in the future.

Helring said :
In the "Time" memory. Is Guthix discussing a conversation we will have with him in the future, or is he talking about our brief meeting during The Light Within?
In response to the latter, he's going through the stages of grief.
Chaos Lupus said :
9.) Once and for all, can you explicitly outright confirm that Vanstrom Klause was Ascertes?
Yes, we can.
Chaos Lupus said :
11.) Hypothetically, how many imps would it take to kill K'ril Tsutsaroth in a straight up cage fight to the death?
Assuming the imps don't cheat, 78.3 imps.
Rondstat said :
1. ...Was there originally a [River of Blood] third act planned that would have seen us face off against the conspirators, but that was cut for time/budget?
We were originally going to tie up the conspirator storyline completely in River of Blood, so they would have featured a little more in the final act, but not to the extent that you've theorised.
Player discussion in the lore forums at the time indicated a desire to see this story carry on into the 6th age, so we opted to push the story forward a step in River of Blood, and then leave it open for future expansion.
Rondstat said :
3. Falador standing stones. Do you guys know what they're for? You don't have to tell us, just - is there a specific significance in the lore bible?
As indicated in a recent Guthix memory, it's the ritual site where Guthix created the Balance Elemental.
Rondstat said :
4. Is there any chance at all of seeing a questing reset server? I know it's far too much work to make quests actually replayable in a polished, live server experience. But would it be possible to see a beta server with simple quest resets (like the Myreque reset or defence reset), unpolished, warts (bugs) and all?
Thanks to some TAPP work from Mod Daze, the Myreque series was made available for reset and replay on the beta server prior to River of Blood, so players could re-familiarise themselves with the storyline.
Sadly, the number of players who actually used this feature was literally in the single digits.
Avernic said :
What killed the Cyclosis, Goshima, and Turtle moai?
This was going to be answered in the sequel to Head of the Family, but we opted to focus on crew stories in batch 2. (You get a little bit of advancement through the Tuai Leit moai during Tuai Leit's Own.) Maybe in the Skull.
If you can't wait, or this never happens, there's a few possible explanations. The jiangshi needed more energy to sustain them, and the ancestral spirits of the island are delicious. Or it could have been a backlash of energy from the imbalance created by the jiangshi, blowing the moai's rocky brains out from inside, a la Scanners.
Or it could've been all your fault for moving a moai and disrupting the delicate spiritual equilibrium of the archipelago.
Avernic said :
Is there a reason behind the Memorial to Guthix's location?
Original message details are unavailable.
We know that crystal bows are able to focus light for their ammo, is it possible for other weapons to do so, or is the physical act of pulling on the bowstring actually needed? Ex. Could a crystal dagger, staff and other types of crystal items work in the same fashion?
No. No bowsword. Bad.
Original message details are unavailable.
Can we get an example of next year's elder gods quest?
Like Heart of Stone, but with more heart and a roughly equitable amount of stone.
Original message details are unavailable.
How do wisps work on ships? In Player owned ports, we have the option to recruit them, how do they help out?
Cyclopes perform the heavy lifting.
Wisps do the light lifting.
Original message details are unavailable.
What's the difference between Anima and Divine Energy?
Anima energy = life energy.
Divine energy = god energy.
Original message details are unavailable.
How does fairy magic work? Fairy rings are able to teleport a player to Kethsi, but the only other way is through the World Gate.
I'll answer your question with some (paraphrased) quotes from in-game fairy lore:
"Zanaris is an extremely old place. It was here long before we fairyfolk came to live here. In fact it is rumoured to be the nexus of all planes."
"When we arrived here, we found many of the magical properties of this place to be dormant. One of these was the ability to jump between planes using a powerful portal that had been sealed for centuries."
"The Fairy Queen harnessed that magic and created the fairy rings. These are not as powerful as the original portal would have been, but are very effective nonetheless."
"Much as we humans would refer to our souls as our life essence, so too does a fairy have a life essence of pure magic. You could refer to fairies as magic embodied, and not be wrong."
"I discovered my first evidence of the race I would come to know as fairies in my exploration of the myriad nature worlds...On one dark world, teeming with all manner of fungi in its humid jungles and moist swamps, I met with a race of surprisingly intellectual mushrooms. They lacked mobility, but travelled and reproduced by dispersing spores that fused with the nervous system of local animals, allowing them to control the host. Bonding with me in this way, I was able to communicate with the myceloids. Friendly though they were, it took much persuasion to convince the symbiotic parasites to detach from my brain upon taking root."
"Another world teemed with insects. A culture of winged invertebrates that bore some resemblance to the fairies of Zanaris, but the swarms were mindless and tirelessly industrious. The migration of these insects - which was achieved through an innate ability to teleport over short distances - also seemed to have a direct impact on the local climate, for reasons I could not discern."
"This brings us to the moon of Zanaris, its dark magical forests, giant fungi and, as I discovered on a return visit, a network of fairy rings they had made from the World Gate I'd placed there."
"The fairies of Zanaris, caretakers of the world below, obviously shared a common ancestry with the creatures I had encountered on the nature worlds. However, they were changed, transcendent, inextricably bound to the abundant magical energy of Gielinor, in order to fulfil a specific purpose."
"The fairies are an embodiment of magic - their life-force infused with anima. It is why they work so tirelessly to maintain Gielinor's weather and seasons, for the planet's equilibrium is intrinsic to their own wellbeing. They have no choice. It is now necessary for their very survival, but they perform their duty without complaint."
Astraea L said :
5. How much freedom does Saradomin give his followers to choose how they should live their lives?
Plenty. While there are plenty in the church that might wish to micromanage the daily lives of individual followers, Saradomin has to focus on the bigger picture, for the good of all.
Astraea L said :
6. Saradomin claims after Sliske's Endgame that he will create a utopia for all races. Would he strive to create a society where races such as demons or Mahjarrat could live in peace with humans?
Yes. Why would he discriminate over race?
Astraea L said :
7. What exactly was the sentient race other than the icyene that was native to New Domina?
It was very very bad. The darkness to the icyene's light, the devils to their angels. They could not be reasoned with; to pursue peace and diplomacy would be the icyene's undoing. The only option was to purge the corruption to prevent it from spreading.
Astraea L said :
8. Did the Temple Knights in the Fourth and Fifth Ages really communicate directly with Saradomin?
So they claim.
Astraea L said :
9. What metal is the Saradomin sword wielded by Zilyana made of?
Cold steel.
Astraea L said :
10. Are there any gods other than the ones we know about who fought in the God Wars? If so, how many?
Yes. No.
Astraea L said :
11. Would it be accurate to say that Saradomin has a personal hatred of the Dragonkin beyond merely being a target of theirs? He seems quite adamant that they're nothing more than beasts who deserve to die.
He sees them as a threat, which they most certainly are. They wield a terrible destructive power.
Astraea L said :
12. How old is the current cycle of the universe?
Very very very very very very very very very (gasp) very very very very old.
Astraea L said :
15. Is divination energy infinite?
No energy is infinite. Except for those that are.
Marine Doge said :
1. Guthix called Atrew an 'aquamancer' in his memory (Aqua being a Latin/Infernal root word compared to Necro or Geo being Greek/Teragardian), while Wizard Myrtle is referred to as a 'hydromancer'. Is this just a mistake in consistency, or did magic have different names in ancient times due to the Empire's influence on language?
This was intended as an acknowledgement to the player Aquamancer, who provided a lot of research on Armies of Gielinor which proved instrumental in working some of its lore into the memories of Guthix. You can consider aquamancer to be synonymous with hydromancer.
Marine Doge said :
2. Can a human (or other race requiring runes for magic) train themselves beyond the need for runes?
If they can find another source of magic than the 'borrowed power' that are runestones, yes. It has to come from somewhere.
Marine Doge said :
5. What's the difference between anima and divine energy? Is divine energy just a form of concentrated anima?
Divine energy is the life energy of a divine being (ie a deity). Anima, life and magical power are intrinsically connected.
Marine Doge said :
6. Is the act of souls going to the Underworld and Afterlife just a way of returning their anima to the planet? And-- Souls ARE a form of anima, right?
Marine Doge said :
9. Are onyxes from the TzHaar the same as onyxes in real life? Because onyxes in real life are just a form of common quartz, so TzHaar onyxes are likely something different - just with the same name, right?
Gielinor is subtly different from Earth in a variety of ways. Gielinorian lava is more like boiling kool-aid, for example; I wouldn't advise standing that close to flowing lava on Earth.
Best to stay indoors; there's less lava.
Captain Lime said :
31. How old is Saradomin?
Very very very very very very very very very (gasp) very very (you get the idea).
Captain Lime said :
32. How old is Saradomin’s daughter?
How rude!
Captain Lime said :
41. Where exactly do Gorajo come from?
Well, you see, when a male gorajo and a female gorajo love each other very much...
Captain Lime said :
43. What would it be like if we opened a stronger channel of anima into other animals and stuff, like Guthix did for Argento?
It would be bad. Don't cross the streams.
Captain Lime said :
44. What is the effect of the Amserdrewys timey wimey key thingy on Jas?
In the cosmic game of Stone-Amserdrewystimeywimeykeything-Jas, Jas beats Amserdrewystimeywimeykeything. Every time.
Captain Lime said :
47. How does Aeternam exist outside of time? What does it mean to be a frozen witness sharded across time?
It's...complicated. It has a lot to do with the cyclic nature of the universe, and how the World Guardian has a long history of breaking things they shouldn't touch.
Captain Lime said :
48. What is the Great Wheel? I assume it means “the Galaxy.” What does it mean for the Great Wheel to spin?
Guthix was waxing metaphorical quite a lot here, but it's a reference to the wheel of fate, or Rota Fortunae, as well as what he understood of the cycles of time, the Great Revision.
Captain Lime said :
49. Are the facts that Gielinor is the center of the universe, Zanaris is Gielinor’s moon, and Zanaris being like the center of webs of the universe have any significant connection?
Yup. It means Arraxor finally has some lore.
Captain Lime said :
50. If Gielinor needs fairies to maintain the weather balance, then what about other planets?
Normally these ecological systems can cycle autonomously, albeit with a margin of error (earthquakes, volcanoes, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, that sort of thing).
The Elder Gods seemed to think it was important to carefully monitor and manage the meteorological and seasonal cycles of their perfect world, for...some reason.
There's a weather system planned for 2017. And an Elder God quest. Interesting! I wonder if those might connect in some way.
Captain Lime said :
51. The fairies are said to do their jobs without complaint, but what about the Fairy Godfather? Why did he try to overthrow the Fairy Queen?
The TokHaar were also meant to do their job without complaint, but the TzHaar happened.
Self-aware living things have an irritating tendency to not stick to the plan.
Captain Lime said :
52. Why are gnomes so widespread? It seems like everywhere we go there is some gnomic ambassador or another?
They get on well with other races. And when you're half their size, it's usually a good idea to become learned in diplomacy.
Captain Lime said :
57. Now that the Elder Gods are awakening, how will that impact the TzHaar? Their masters are returning!
The TzHaar wouldn't acknowledge the Elder Gods as their masters. They'd forgotten they even came from the Elder Kiln, before you delved deeper into their history. They have abandoned their true purpose, and the TokHaar see them as a wayward abomination.
Eridyn said :
7. So there was a previous World Guardian, we're not so unique after all. Possible to meet them?
They're a frozen witness, sharded across time, and you're not, so meeting them is...tricky. Don't come crying to me if you get turned inside out.
Eridyn said :
8. Why is the Player Character so dumb
Years of practice.
Eridyn said :
12. Will you approve the release of DOC2 yet, Osborne? And put Stu as head developer?
Eridyn said :
13. Penguins.
CD_Paladin_C said :
1)So did DoD Guthix kill the other gods instead of banishing them?
So it would seem.
Hazeel said :
5) Likewise, is the World Guardian destined to fail and die? Or can this death be prevented?
You're destined to fail and die. Embrace it. Enjoy it. It's all part of being human.
Swolllliosis said :
5. Was Ful the only other Elder God other than Jas to create an elder artefact?
Ful didn't necessarily create the Elder Kiln.
I believe the only in-game reference to this is a poorly-translated record from TokHaar-Hok (who himself was created from the Kiln, so how would he prove its origins?).
Swolllliosis said :
7. What does the Elder Horn actually do? Is it some kind of special mouthpiece like the mouthpieces Jas used to communicate with us in Sliske's Endgame? Is it used to communicate with divine energy-based races like seacreatures and tokhaar?
That would appear to be the case; though Ful created a caste (the TokHaar-Hok) specifically to pass instructions down to the other castes, and Heart of Stone indicates that the mouthpieces of the Elder Gods are also a thing.
It would appear there's some evolution and refinement of their communication methods to be seen here. Remember, the tools of the Elder Gods were often discarded when they outlived their usefulness, or were replaced by superior tools.
Swolllliosis said :
11. Are vampyres considered undead?
No. They're alien invaders from another world, who just happen to utilise blood as an efficient source of nutrition.
Our Vamp(y)res Are Different.
17-Jan-2017 19:02:16 - Last edited on 17-Jan-2017 19:03:16 by Mod Stu
Now Mah is gone the last small 'hope' for a Ritual of Enervation is gone, does this mean the Mahjarrat will slowly become extinct despite a female Mahjarrat being alive and the removal of the other ritual?
The power that the Mahjarrat received during that event will no doubt be able to sustain them indefinitely, or at least to the point where it’s no longer an issue for the decline of their species (at least not in any amount of time the player will be around for). I’d say the opposite is now true; they have now an abundance of power from which they could create new Mahjarrat, should they so choose (though many of the remaining Mahjarrat are quite selfish
Now Mah is gone the last small 'hope' for a Ritual of Enervation is gone, does this mean the Mahjarrat will slowly become extinct despite a female Mahjarrat being alive and the removal of the other ritual?
The power that the Mahjarrat received during that event will no doubt be able to sustain them indefinitely, or at least to the point where it’s no longer an issue for the decline of their species (at least not in any amount of time the player will be around for). I’d say the opposite is now true; they have now an abundance of power from which they could create new Mahjarrat, should they so choose (though many of the remaining Mahjarrat are quite selfish
17-Jan-2017 19:06:14
What races were Rief, Thera, Ria, Atrew, and Aeternam and what planes were they from? I just want to know which planes we'd need to visit to meet them now,
Rief sounded like he could have been a Demon/Auspah, Thera a Spirit Tree, Ria an Icyene, and not sure what Atrew or Aeternam was.
In the "Time" memory. Is Guthix discussing a conversation we will have with him in the future, or is he talking about our brief meeting during The Light Within?
To add to Stu's post...
In Time, yes, that’s the point in The Light Within where the player uses the key to meet with Guthix in your past.
What races were Rief, Thera, Ria, Atrew, and Aeternam and what planes were they from? I just want to know which planes we'd need to visit to meet them now,
Rief sounded like he could have been a Demon/Auspah, Thera a Spirit Tree, Ria an Icyene, and not sure what Atrew or Aeternam was.
In the "Time" memory. Is Guthix discussing a conversation we will have with him in the future, or is he talking about our brief meeting during The Light Within?
To add to Stu's post...
In Time, yes, that’s the point in The Light Within where the player uses the key to meet with Guthix in your past.
17-Jan-2017 19:07:30
Chaos Lupus
9.) Once and for all, can you explicitly outright confirm that Vanstrom Klause was Ascertes?
I think I already did, somewhere, post-River of Blood. I don’t recall. But, yes, he was.
9.) Once and for all, can you explicitly outright confirm that Vanstrom Klause was Ascertes?
I think I already did, somewhere, post-River of Blood. I don’t recall. But, yes, he was.
17-Jan-2017 19:08:33
Ooh, fun!
1. The first act of River of Blood made great pains to establish the Splinter Group as a major antagonist - revealing their long-standing manipulation of the Myreque, giving their (presumptive) leader unrestricted access to Paterdomus, Blisterwood, and a vampyrized Seergaze, and putting us on the cusp of the war they had been working towards. And then they disappear from the quest. Was there originally a third act planned that would have seen us face off against the conspirators, but that was cut for time/budget?
2. I maintain a list of written languages that appear in Runescape . While a lot of work went into mapping out Vampyric, is this the exception or the rule? Do most scripts have a meaning known to the developers? Are they design motifs meant to maintain consistency between similarly themed environments? Or are they usually the sole purview of an environmental artist, adding flair to a new location at their own discretion?
3. Falador standing stones. Do you guys know what they're for? You don't have to tell us, just - is there a specific significance in the lore bible?
1) Truth be told, no, that was never in any planned form of the finale. Our focus was always on finishing the journey for the (remaining) Myreque – Ivan had his heroic moment and became caretaker of Paterdomus, Safalaan finally got some much needed support to stop him making stupid decisions all the time, and Veliaf came to terms with his grief and (begrudgingly) accepted the new normal. And you put an end to the vampyre threat (mostly, for now).
2) I think they have a tendency to occur when certain mods are involved in a project. Concept artists like to add little details, and I’m the sort of person to build on that. We encourage each other. For instance, there is a Kharidian alphabet in-game too, which I don’t think anyone has worked out (at least not in full), as you don’t have a Rosetta Stone-like artefact to make sense of it. That was added with Stolen Hearts/Diamond in the Rough, and we’re considering what more we can do with it along with Menaphos…
3) They received some context with the Balance Elemental memory in Memorial to Guthix…
Ooh, fun!
1. The first act of River of Blood made great pains to establish the Splinter Group as a major antagonist - revealing their long-standing manipulation of the Myreque, giving their (presumptive) leader unrestricted access to Paterdomus, Blisterwood, and a vampyrized Seergaze, and putting us on the cusp of the war they had been working towards. And then they disappear from the quest. Was there originally a third act planned that would have seen us face off against the conspirators, but that was cut for time/budget?
2. I maintain a list of written languages that appear in Runescape . While a lot of work went into mapping out Vampyric, is this the exception or the rule? Do most scripts have a meaning known to the developers? Are they design motifs meant to maintain consistency between similarly themed environments? Or are they usually the sole purview of an environmental artist, adding flair to a new location at their own discretion?
3. Falador standing stones. Do you guys know what they're for? You don't have to tell us, just - is there a specific significance in the lore bible?
1) Truth be told, no, that was never in any planned form of the finale. Our focus was always on finishing the journey for the (remaining) Myreque – Ivan had his heroic moment and became caretaker of Paterdomus, Safalaan finally got some much needed support to stop him making stupid decisions all the time, and Veliaf came to terms with his grief and (begrudgingly) accepted the new normal. And you put an end to the vampyre threat (mostly, for now).
2) I think they have a tendency to occur when certain mods are involved in a project. Concept artists like to add little details, and I’m the sort of person to build on that. We encourage each other. For instance, there is a Kharidian alphabet in-game too, which I don’t think anyone has worked out (at least not in full), as you don’t have a Rosetta Stone-like artefact to make sense of it. That was added with Stolen Hearts/Diamond in the Rough, and we’re considering what more we can do with it along with Menaphos…
3) They received some context with the Balance Elemental memory in Memorial to Guthix…
17-Jan-2017 19:09:47
1. Is it planned for Xau-Tak and the Queen of Ashes to be long term characters if and when they are finally introduced? Not just Guthix'd or worse V'd off. I appreciate death being necessary for the plot to sometimes advance, but not having it be at the start of every meeting would be great,
2. Are Zaros and or Seren aware of Xau-Tak? Should the latter decide to stir and do any kind of harm, what's to stop the siblings from wiping him out?
3. Can the situation with Zaros locating Saradomins daughter be elaborated on? Was it a rescue mission? Why doesn't Saradomin now that she's safe just destroy this Obsidian Tribunal?
4. On the subject, is the Obsidian Tribunal just Zaros's name for what we know as the Teragard Magisters or are they separate groups?
5. Azzanadra sounds close to Godhood, should this hypothetically happen, would he be accepting of his new state of being?
6. How is it possible for Saradomin to have a daughter? Is she his Great great great.. Etc Granddaughter but just shortens it to save everyone 5 minutes?
7. Is it possible for Char to be involved more in storylines? Are there any plans for this? I feel she hasn't had any spotlight since her initial quest and the poor girl needs a graphical polish as it is.
8. Where do you see the story going after the Elder Gods? Have you thought that far ahead? How can anything ever match up to meeting and humbling them to let life they created continue on its natural course? I never want quests to end, but I'm not sure anything could top that eventual Finale.
9. During Endgame we had the chance to let most of the gods know where we stand with them, if you told them outright you stood against them has this permanently burned all bridges between your player and said god?
1. I think it’s nice to have some less fleshed out/background characters. I’m not saying that’s the case with these two, just not that every god ever name-checked needs to make an appearance/have their own quest series, etc.
2. I’d be surprised if they weren’t aware of these gods’ existence. That they’re not much mentioned probably suggests how unconcerned by them they are.
3. I’m sure it will be at some point.
5. It becomes an interesting point specifically with Azzy. Would he see that as heresy? Blasphemy? I imagine the thought makes him very uncomfortable, but also gives him mixed feelings.
7. She does, doesn’t she. I felt the same including her in Fate of the Gods, compared with everyone else.
8. Yes, we’ve thought very far ahead…at least in terms of possibilities. The Lore Council are mostly on the same page for ‘what happens next’ in the wake of Endgame. We’re still discussing in more detail how the dragonkin and elder god narratives will shape up. Beyond that we have a number of options.
They’re good to have, as they then tend to seep into content we’re creating, like the [redacted] character that will be in [redacted], and the story of the [redacted] that you might hear about at some point this year, plus the lore surrounding the Needle that’s the focus of Idle Adventures.
Collectively, we’re thinking that we need to make things more personal and character-led again for a while. The great thing with the elder gods is that things come full circle back to mortals, so we don’t need something “bigger” than them.
1. Is it planned for Xau-Tak and the Queen of Ashes to be long term characters if and when they are finally introduced? Not just Guthix'd or worse V'd off. I appreciate death being necessary for the plot to sometimes advance, but not having it be at the start of every meeting would be great,
2. Are Zaros and or Seren aware of Xau-Tak? Should the latter decide to stir and do any kind of harm, what's to stop the siblings from wiping him out?
3. Can the situation with Zaros locating Saradomins daughter be elaborated on? Was it a rescue mission? Why doesn't Saradomin now that she's safe just destroy this Obsidian Tribunal?
4. On the subject, is the Obsidian Tribunal just Zaros's name for what we know as the Teragard Magisters or are they separate groups?
5. Azzanadra sounds close to Godhood, should this hypothetically happen, would he be accepting of his new state of being?
6. How is it possible for Saradomin to have a daughter? Is she his Great great great.. Etc Granddaughter but just shortens it to save everyone 5 minutes?
7. Is it possible for Char to be involved more in storylines? Are there any plans for this? I feel she hasn't had any spotlight since her initial quest and the poor girl needs a graphical polish as it is.
8. Where do you see the story going after the Elder Gods? Have you thought that far ahead? How can anything ever match up to meeting and humbling them to let life they created continue on its natural course? I never want quests to end, but I'm not sure anything could top that eventual Finale.
9. During Endgame we had the chance to let most of the gods know where we stand with them, if you told them outright you stood against them has this permanently burned all bridges between your player and said god?
1. I think it’s nice to have some less fleshed out/background characters. I’m not saying that’s the case with these two, just not that every god ever name-checked needs to make an appearance/have their own quest series, etc.
2. I’d be surprised if they weren’t aware of these gods’ existence. That they’re not much mentioned probably suggests how unconcerned by them they are.
3. I’m sure it will be at some point.
5. It becomes an interesting point specifically with Azzy. Would he see that as heresy? Blasphemy? I imagine the thought makes him very uncomfortable, but also gives him mixed feelings.
7. She does, doesn’t she. I felt the same including her in Fate of the Gods, compared with everyone else.
8. Yes, we’ve thought very far ahead…at least in terms of possibilities. The Lore Council are mostly on the same page for ‘what happens next’ in the wake of Endgame. We’re still discussing in more detail how the dragonkin and elder god narratives will shape up. Beyond that we have a number of options.
They’re good to have, as they then tend to seep into content we’re creating, like the [redacted] character that will be in [redacted], and the story of the [redacted] that you might hear about at some point this year, plus the lore surrounding the Needle that’s the focus of Idle Adventures.
Collectively, we’re thinking that we need to make things more personal and character-led again for a while. The great thing with the elder gods is that things come full circle back to mortals, so we don’t need something “bigger” than them.
17-Jan-2017 19:11:15
2. During the flashback in Children of Mah, Zaros seems very uncaring toward the Mahjarrat, and even slightly disgusted by them, dismissing them as glorified mercenaries who fight for whoever is at the top of the food chain. However, in his memories in Fate of the Gods, he seems to care about them, even thinking fondly of them as his younger siblings, intending to take them under his wing and for them to inherit his empire. Which is Zaros's actual view? Was his dialogue in Children of Mah just an outburst in anger at Zamorak's betrayal, an inconsistency between writers, or an attempt to make him more morally grey after how benevolent he seemed in FotG?
3. It's been stated several times in the past that you cannot kill an Elder God. If this is the case, how did Seren manage it? Was Mah a special case due to her corruption and deformity, and having been drained of most of her divine energy by Zaros and the Mahjarrat?
2. I think it’s more than reasonable for Zaros to be flippant and cajoling of Zamorak during that CoM flashback, considering what Zammy is doing. One can care while also having the capability of saying mean things, especially if they feel they’re (currently) being betrayed. ESPECIALLY where it comes to siblings! I’d see it as an inconsistency if he weren’t shocked and angry (in as much as he can be emotive).
3. Regardless of the answer to the first sentence, Mah would be an exception to it – she’s a special case, as were the circumstances surrounding that event.
2. During the flashback in Children of Mah, Zaros seems very uncaring toward the Mahjarrat, and even slightly disgusted by them, dismissing them as glorified mercenaries who fight for whoever is at the top of the food chain. However, in his memories in Fate of the Gods, he seems to care about them, even thinking fondly of them as his younger siblings, intending to take them under his wing and for them to inherit his empire. Which is Zaros's actual view? Was his dialogue in Children of Mah just an outburst in anger at Zamorak's betrayal, an inconsistency between writers, or an attempt to make him more morally grey after how benevolent he seemed in FotG?
3. It's been stated several times in the past that you cannot kill an Elder God. If this is the case, how did Seren manage it? Was Mah a special case due to her corruption and deformity, and having been drained of most of her divine energy by Zaros and the Mahjarrat?
2. I think it’s more than reasonable for Zaros to be flippant and cajoling of Zamorak during that CoM flashback, considering what Zammy is doing. One can care while also having the capability of saying mean things, especially if they feel they’re (currently) being betrayed. ESPECIALLY where it comes to siblings! I’d see it as an inconsistency if he weren’t shocked and angry (in as much as he can be emotive).
3. Regardless of the answer to the first sentence, Mah would be an exception to it – she’s a special case, as were the circumstances surrounding that event.
17-Jan-2017 19:13:25
1) Where do ents come from?
When a mummy ent and a daddy ent love each other very much...
Shadoliax said :
5)Why has the 6th age been so (comparatively) bloodless compared to the 3rd age?
I blame Germany.
Shadoliax said :
10) How do the Kinshra gain food, weapons, armour, etc? Do they hold farmland or are they very successful bandits?
Trading, raiding, cultivation. But mostly Wilderness Warbands.
Shadoliax said :
12) Could divination be used to get lore on dead gods other than Guthix?
In principle, should another god explode into energy and scatter their memories around the surrounding area. Guthix was intrinsically connected to Gielinor, and was so for a very very long time, so he makes for a more delicious energy source than most.
Shadoliax said :
13) Is it a canon possibility for GWD bosses to be permanently killed?
Narratively, sure, but we have to take gameplay considerations into account. Can't impede those glorious gains.
Shadoliax said :
14) Why hasn't the Poison Wastes generated a anima guardian of its own?
See above. Can't be messing with that lucrative incandescent energy per hour.
Shadoliax said :
15) Will we ever learn why Saradomin decided to destroy Askroth?
The pieces of the puzzle are available to you. You need only fit them together.
Shadoliax said :
16) What is the dwarf home world like? What is the gnome home world like?
They're both notable for their low-hanging ceilings.
Shadoliax said :
21) How did Elvarg destroy all of Crandor? Could any green dragon destroy a city, or is she much stronger than an ordinary green dragon?
Dragonfire, mostly.
Yes. That Elvarg destroyed all of Crandor could be a clue.
1) Where do ents come from?
When a mummy ent and a daddy ent love each other very much...
Shadoliax said :
5)Why has the 6th age been so (comparatively) bloodless compared to the 3rd age?
I blame Germany.
Shadoliax said :
10) How do the Kinshra gain food, weapons, armour, etc? Do they hold farmland or are they very successful bandits?
Trading, raiding, cultivation. But mostly Wilderness Warbands.
Shadoliax said :
12) Could divination be used to get lore on dead gods other than Guthix?
In principle, should another god explode into energy and scatter their memories around the surrounding area. Guthix was intrinsically connected to Gielinor, and was so for a very very long time, so he makes for a more delicious energy source than most.
Shadoliax said :
13) Is it a canon possibility for GWD bosses to be permanently killed?
Narratively, sure, but we have to take gameplay considerations into account. Can't impede those glorious gains.
Shadoliax said :
14) Why hasn't the Poison Wastes generated a anima guardian of its own?
See above. Can't be messing with that lucrative incandescent energy per hour.
Shadoliax said :
15) Will we ever learn why Saradomin decided to destroy Askroth?
The pieces of the puzzle are available to you. You need only fit them together.
Shadoliax said :
16) What is the dwarf home world like? What is the gnome home world like?
They're both notable for their low-hanging ceilings.
Shadoliax said :
21) How did Elvarg destroy all of Crandor? Could any green dragon destroy a city, or is she much stronger than an ordinary green dragon?
Dragonfire, mostly.
Yes. That Elvarg destroyed all of Crandor could be a clue.
17-Jan-2017 19:15:19
Can you tell us anything about why Seren didn't just strike Sliske down when she was face to face with him at The Heart during Sliske's Endgame? was it that she didn't have the power to do so? or was she restraining herself? She seemed to feel some sort of sorrow for him when he mentioned her killing Mah hurting him, yet prior to this she stated if she ever saw him she would incinerate him with light. Contradictions left right and centre, any elaborations on this?
There’s a difference between what we say, and feel, and then do. Seren is an emotive and empathetic being. She might say much in the heat of the moment, but reason can still win out. I’d imagine she felt the situation (upon finding herself face-to-face with Sliske) tempered her. In the opposite way of how a seemingly emotionless, analytical being such as Zaros clearly seems to have a desire to be liked and does show feeling/caring at certain times. I would see these things simply as character, not contradiction.
Can you tell us anything about why Seren didn't just strike Sliske down when she was face to face with him at The Heart during Sliske's Endgame? was it that she didn't have the power to do so? or was she restraining herself? She seemed to feel some sort of sorrow for him when he mentioned her killing Mah hurting him, yet prior to this she stated if she ever saw him she would incinerate him with light. Contradictions left right and centre, any elaborations on this?
There’s a difference between what we say, and feel, and then do. Seren is an emotive and empathetic being. She might say much in the heat of the moment, but reason can still win out. I’d imagine she felt the situation (upon finding herself face-to-face with Sliske) tempered her. In the opposite way of how a seemingly emotionless, analytical being such as Zaros clearly seems to have a desire to be liked and does show feeling/caring at certain times. I would see these things simply as character, not contradiction.
17-Jan-2017 19:15:40
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