The way it's worded, though, it doesn't sound like they're all too sure or the difference isn't that big. But let's say the Naragun calandar had...oh...90 days. It wouldn't be so green and lush for starters. You could make an argument that the Auspah planet, Infernus, or "Zamorak's Planet" (where Moia found him) have a significantly shorter calander because that the fiery atmosphere reflects that. More realistically, we're probably speaking a difference in days--i.e. 354 day calendar.
Narratively, though, while the Naragi don't necessary need long lifespans like the Mahjarrat, they do they decent lifespans for Guthix and his daughter to survive a God War--or at least for her to survive until near the end, which calls for a lifespan of at least a thousand years. That's really not that long to be honest, humans just have an incredibly short lifespan whether you look at it through fantasy or's only more pronounced in fantasy where other creatures have a decent lifespan.
Runescape doesn't need a needs a villain. An all encompassing force of evil that will remain ever-threatening and use chaos to make the peoples of Gielinor tolerate each other, grow strong together, and fight side by side against this evil. I am that villain.
28-Jan-2017 17:57:10