@Kastor: I understand this thought, and I think there probably are some races in the Runescape multiverse that share a common ancestor - it's speculated by at least 3 characters ingame, and the human diaspora is a major lore point. But I also think humanoids, for whatever reason, just tend to occur.
Mah, having never left Freneskae, with no outside knowledge, gave most of her creations a humanoid visage. Human-like creatures are all across the multiverse. And even Infernus, likely the first plane to bear intelligent life, prima facie, gave rise to its own humans (demons like Mazc*na and Ac*tryn).
There are common ancestors, but there's also probably a heck of a lot of phenotypical convergence. And from where I'm sitting, it looks as likely it could be one or the other for elves.
@Hguoh: That's a really cool theory! Since 1oak's retcon of the origins of Daemonheim dungeons (which, for the record, I think was a good thing), the original theories about the rift have become less relevant, as they'd have to have some appeal to the Kin. This makes a lot of sense, and nicely ties a few different threads together.
28-Aug-2015 05:01:34