6.4) Inventors, scientists and explorers
Iqbar Ali-Abdula
- Kharidian entomologist who researched the kalphites but went insane, last seen running off into the desert, screaming
- Scholar and librarian from Menaphos with knowledge of Enakhra and Akthanakos
- Entranan inventor of the hot air balloon
Gnormadium Avlafrim
- Gnome engineer who built a gnome glider station in the Feldip Hills
Hieronymus Avlafrim
(assistant Sasquine Huburns) - Gnome engineer who combined the gnome glider design with that of the magic carpet to create the gnomecopter
Eli Bacon
– Cannibal and serial killer living at Falador Farm who discovered that pig meat is delicious when one of his pigs, Gassy Steve, was accidentally cooked
Terrance Balando
- Archaeological expert at the Digsite Exam Centre who has translated part of a text on Azzanadra and Jaldr(aoch}t
Albertus Black
- An old scientist and friend of Ebenezer and Sally
- Gnome explorer on Trollweiss Mountain
- Inventor or various magical trinkets and the wonderful wizard of East Ardougne
- An adventurer who was challenged by a powerful mage and lost after which the mage resurrected him as a skeleton; Cruncy who is now the friend of the "illustrious knight" Tim and his pet green dragon Eski
- Powerful and successful adventurer who was helped over his fear of combat by Lunar magic; perished at the hands of Lucien
- Old scientist and alchemist who has made many inventions and played a role in the War of 164
Iestin Edern
- Elven archaeologist and researcher under auspices of the Iorwerth Clan
- Archaeologist specialising in Third Age architecture; wife of the late Varmen
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire.
OSRS: POH ideas
RS3 minigames
achievement ideas
Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik