Drakan won't let us expose Haemalchemy. If he knows we've found a flaw in his tithing system then he'll come to us personally to sort it out. He wouldn't trust any other Vampyre with those kind of secrets, in risk of being overthrown, which is the general plan.
I'd guess the Daeyalt ore is related to the sludge leaking out of the castles pipes.
Support, but not on invading Morytania. How could you be cruel enough to even consider allowing that?!
The Myreque quest series is interesting, and I also believe that there is so much more that needs to be revealed in it. It would be a shame to only have one more Myreque quest. Perhaps Mod Ana has some plans to give us the oppertunity to choose where we stand too? (Wink-wink).
Vampyres are awesome. If you disagree, I'll put out a rumour in Darkmeyer that you still sleep with a Bloodveld plushie.
-Vyrelord DPwnr. High-ranking Vyrelord on the highest tier in service of Vanescuela Drakan.
Drakan won't let us expose Haemalchemy. If he knows we've found a flaw in his tithing system then he'll come to us personally to sort it out. He wouldn't trust any other Vampyre with those kind of secrets, in risk of being overthrown, which is the general plan.
Supporting this! the myreque series is my favorite quest series in this game! Would give my left lung (and kidney) to have a grandmaster series of quests to end it of!
Life's a
Supporting this! the myreque series is my favorite quest series in this game! Would give my left lung (and kidney) to have a grandmaster series of quests to end it of!
Can I have your left heart atrium and ventricle please? I just need human ones for my collection! :3
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire.
OSRS: POH ideas
RS3 minigames
achievement ideas
Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
The myreque is a long running series and so many questions have arisen. Don't forget Ivandis' flail though. I'd still love to stick a ruby, diamond, dragonstone and maybe an onyx on it to make it uber-supreme-vampire-killing-weapon-of-DOOM.
Anyhow, yeah.. I like the myreque..
"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." --Edgar Allan Poe
I'm curious how they'll handle Saradomin/Zamorak being back as far as this questline, and not dwarfing our existing accomplishments by Saradomin stomping in and stepping on Drakan.
The myreque is a long running series and so many questions have arisen. Don't forget Ivandis' flail though. I'd still love to stick a ruby, diamond, dragonstone and maybe an onyx on it to make it uber-supreme-vampire-killing-weapon-of-DOOM.