Gotta agree with Balustan here, I understand that the vyres are only doing this to survive, but I have trouble trying to side with them when I know their success would be detrimental to humankind, especially the people of Misthalin.
We'd still be bloodbags, they'd still take tithes without contributing anything in return. She doesn't want peace between humans and vyres, she still wants our kind subjugated, she just wants to expand her territory.
If anything, her behavior and goals are just proving Lowernial correct. She realizes the vyres' current way of life is unsustainable, and at the end of the day, they're just animals trying to survive, but so are we. At least with Lowernial's idea, the people outside Morytania would be able to live peacefully.
I will protect Gielinor. Zaros has no love for its people.
-Saradomin, Polemarchos Autokrator