Sorry for the late response. I got a nasty virus for the last few days.
Anyways, like I said, the Casimir effect isn't an example of creation from nothing because a void/vacuum is not nothing, it is a body of space that matter can move, or be suspended in. We still have a major problem here with the Elder Gods not being able to create from nothing.
That being said, the Casimir an interesting concept and could be easily applied to Runescape.
In Summer's end, the spirit beast is tearing rips in the fabric of reality, allowing matter to pass into the void. We actually get a glimpse of the void. One interesting feature of the void is that it is white... But how can it be white? We only perceive the colour white in objects because said objects reflect a huge chunk of light instead of absorbing it and we perceive white light from light sources when there is enough light produced.
So if the void is white, that means it is filled with light, but if it's filled with light it's filled with energy. If it's filled with energy where did that energy come from?
The Casimir effect.
Secondly, what do you define as a soul? It seem's to me that you are classifying souls as whatever goes/has the capacity to go to the afterlife when you die, but before I get into this too much could you give me what the necessary requirements for an object to have in order to be a soul?
25-Jan-2017 19:11:20