I do think that momentum is important, and that stories are able to garner more investment from players, and include more subtle and intricate motifs that are carried from quest to quest, when they are released closer together. For example, the Dwarf storyline is possibly the most sophisticated, character driven questline in Runescape, however the details and character arcs become all but invisible when confined to single quest experiences. It's a story that needs to be played all together, and it got a lot of undeserving hatred when players had to wait years between installments and could no longer follow the theme.
Now, we're left in the uneasy situation where the devs have to choose between finishing older questlines that have already lost their momentum, and will only suffer more narrative dissonance the more time elapses, or maintaining momentum on the 6th Age.
Though I think it's a poor basis, Sliske's game has provided the foundation for the 6th Age, most modern quests taking MPD as a requirement. The more threads it's able to tie together by the endgame- namely Dragonkin and Zaros - the closer we'll be to having an effective conclusion, even if the major secondary and tertiary plots are left open for future 6th Age quests.
With such an efficient stopgap in place by the end of the year, I think it will be a good time to take a break from the 6th Age, and focus for the next, say, 18 months on finishing outstanding storylines.
I absolutely agree with the post at the top. We've seen massive power creep, we've become jaded on gods and universe-shaking threats. We NEED to take a step back before we lose all sense of proportion.
But more importantly, we need to stop and appreciate existing lore. Much of the 6th Age has felt abrupt and arcless because of the deliberate decision to ignore 5th Age plots in the interest of accessibility, and the lack of groundwork that has been laid.
02-Jun-2016 02:41:53