
Godless or Zaros?

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I have recently decided to get back into the game and may soon get membership. I have been following its lore for quite some time before then. But I'm really torn between these two factions.

(Yes, I know my title is "of Zaros" at the moment, but I am considering switching)

On one hand, Zaros is the god I would trust the most to rule Gielnor. I've also been a fan of him for years since I did the Digsite quest (where his name was literally mentioned once and nothing else), and I really like his followers. But his plan to become an Elder God seems a bit dodgy, and he seems like he can be a bit overly controlling as well (I recall that one lore story where Zaros literally thought policed one of his followers.)

On the other hand, it was Guthix's dying request for the player to join the Godless. I also like the idea of saying "***** the higher beings!" and carving out your own fate. Thing is though, whether or not they can actually kill all the gods is a bit iffy - they may only make the conflict worse by striking out at all sides, or allow the one remaining god to assume complete control. Then there is the fact that they really know nothing about what the Elder Gods are up to - they may drive out the younger gods only for Gie*nor, only for the Elder Gods to swallow it whole and then belch for good measure.

Such a confusing dillemma. I am tempted to say "***** everything" and throw in with Sliske, just to see where that goes.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

19-Jun-2016 23:57:00 - Last edited on 20-Jun-2016 00:49:15 by NotFishing

William Witt
Aug Member 2023

William Witt

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I personally have had slight Godless sympathies since The World Wakes (although I'm a pious follower of the gods myself). You'll hear players talking smack about Kara-Meir, but if you read the official RS novels (big fan myself) she's really cool.
The Asgarnian ale must flow.

20-Jun-2016 00:09:45 - Last edited on 20-Jun-2016 03:03:46 by William Witt

A Mad Hatter
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A Mad Hatter

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Way I'm looking at it, all sides suck to some extent or other. So just pick whichever you feel like at the time and switch sides all you want if you find out something you don't like about the group you initially joined. Though for what it's worth, the Godless have been more or less upfront about their overall goal compared to Zaros and his whole 'I have plans but don't want to tell you what it is until I'm ready' stuff.


NotFishing said :

On the other hand, it was Guthix's dying request for the player to join the Godless. I also like the idea of saying "***** the higher beings!" and carving out your own fate.

I don't recall Guthix specifically saying he wanted you to join the Godless (though I think Jmods have said in the past that they're the sort of group he'd want), but he did want you to defend the world against gods. Sounds similar, but he didn't necessarily say which gods you were supposed to defend against, much less say anything about siding with another god (such as V or someone who doesn't want to do anything to the world besides live their life) to do it.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

20-Jun-2016 02:48:36

William Witt
Aug Member 2023

William Witt

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A Mad Hatter said :
Way I'm looking at it, all sides suck to some extent or other. So just pick whichever you feel like at the time and switch sides all you want if you find out something you don't like about the group you initially joined.

This is half the reason I *DIDN"T* swap over to Armadyl during my huge "period of doubt" between The World Wakes/Tribute to Guthix and The Death of Chivalry. Suppose I switched factions, only for them to show some negatives to Armadyl? I didn't feel it was practical to just keep faction hopping, so I stuck with what I thought was a sinking ship - and luckily, my decision was validated in the end.
The Asgarnian ale must flow.

20-Jun-2016 03:03:32

Jan Member 2018


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Guthix wanted us to uphold his dream of a world without gods. not join the Godless, as the faction did not exist during that time. It was stated that the Godless would be a faction Guthix would be proud of. V showed sign of Godless view as well, and Seren now agree with Guthix's ideal of a Godless world. So, you as world Guardian, could uphold his dream, join the godless as they are a faction that wish teh same as Guthix. Or join Zaros, a god that seems to be willing to risk Gielinor, and believe his birthright is to be an elder god.
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20-Jun-2016 03:48:45

Captain Lime
May Member 2019

Captain Lime

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NotFishing said :
Zaros is the god I would trust the most to rule Gielnor.

You really shouldn't. Every non-Zarosian NPC who knows about Zaros also tells you that you shouldn't trust him, or something along those lines. My dislike of him is well-known, but I can almost guarantee you that he's playing us.

NotFishing said :
On the other hand, it was Guthix's dying request for the player to join the Godless.

...Kinda. Guthix's dying request to the player was to achieve balance in Gielinor and forget about the balance disruption that he created. So bringing up this argument is dishonoring his memory Whether or not that means killing off all the other gods is up to interpretation, but having no gods would definitely restore some kind of balance.

NotFishing said :
Such a confusing dillemma. I am tempted to say "***** everything" and throw in with Sliske, just to see where that goes.


Kindred Spirits spoilers:
We've found during Kindred Spirits that Sliske actually has another person standing behind him mostly controlling him. Sliske isn't necessarily a pawn (he'd be more of a bishop), but we still have no idea who the guy really calling the shots is. All we know is that it definitely ISN'T Xau-Tak, but personally I don't think it's Zaros or an Elder God either. I know you want to see where it goes, but you have been forearmed and forewarned... though, I guess you could always just change your allegiance again later.
^ "Some of those words were
" - Mod Raven

20-Jun-2016 04:22:50 - Last edited on 20-Jun-2016 04:27:04 by Captain Lime

Dec Member 2020


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I'm with Zaros on this one (if that wasn't obvious).
Despite what.. some people.. would have you believe, I don't think he's playing us. The World Guardian has been played before, one too many times. By now they probably know when somebody is playing them. Besides, if Zaros was playing us, this whole Sliske thing wouldn't even be happening. If he planned to betray us, kicking Sliske out was a foolish decision run by emotions, which is more Seren's shtick than Zaros'.
Zaros has been honest with us about everything, and his memories agree with what he's said. Don't forget, the memories are purely the honest truth, they are memories. He's openly admitted to us that what he did in the past was wrong, and that there are more important things than ruling over Gielinor.. like making sure Gielinor still exists. All the secrets he's kept from us have conveniently been the things Jagex openly doesn't want us to know yet. You can call that coincidence, but I call that Jagex being Jagex.

The Godless are.. somewhat what Guthix wanted. Their methods of violence and quickly accusing every god of being inherently evil just by being gods aren't something Guthix would have agreed with, and Kara-Meir isn't as goody-goody as anybody would have us believe. Frankly I don't trust them not to go power mad like Lucien, and cause more problems for us all.
World Guardian
must learn to find
in themselves.
Only then can they
themselves and forge their own
Fate .

20-Jun-2016 04:46:30

Ancient Drew

Ancient Drew

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Sepulchre said :
The Godless are.. somewhat what Guthix wanted. Their methods of violence and quickly accusing every god of being inherently evil just by being gods aren't something Guthix would have agreed with, and Kara-Meir isn't as goody-goody as anybody would have us believe. Frankly I don't trust them not to go power mad like Lucien, and cause more problems for us all.
Kara-Meir, definitely don't trust her. She's clearly a wannabe god who wants to attack anything with arms and legs. The other Godless, however, I'm not so sure they're all as bad. Garlandia is a diplomatic and non-violent person, and the reason she had her wings ripped off was because she wouldn't fight for Saradomin. And Ux is working to undermine the bureaucracy of Chthonian contracts.

For me, there are a few things I disagree with Zaros on. For example, the concept of good and evil shouldn't be ignored or dismissed, as people are largely affected by this and will stand against anyone who goes against their beliefs. And there are a few extremes, but these extremes loop in on themselves and turn the spectrum into a circle rather than a line. In fact, I think there are multiple spectra which loop in on themselves and create an atom model of sorts, leading to huge variety.

As such, I try to do good things for Zaros, and will work to patch things up between him and Seren. I want to remove his loyalty pheromone and Seren's love pheromone, which only cause problems in the long run. The loyalty pheromone may have been the reason for Zamorak betraying Zaros, as he spent a long time away from the Empire and described it as mind-control magic. And Seren might end up going insane from a broken heart if the problem with her elves isn't sorted out, and nobody wants a tier 2 Amascut running wild. And in the end, I hope that Zaros and Seren can reconcile. Everyone needs a family, and I want to provide this for the god I follow.
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20-Jun-2016 08:44:40

Ancient Drew

Ancient Drew

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One of the reasons I follow Zaros is because I believe that he opposes certain vices that people have. They are:

- Stigma. He says that real life doesn't deal in extremes, and that everything has capacity for both good and evil. Unfortunately, Zaros himself is a victim of stigma since he's a tier 2 god of dark energy who built a continent wide empire, and has a reputation for apathy. The worst thing about stigma is that it gives birth to discrimination, and this leads to grudges and hatred which inhibit our potential to become more.

- Addiction. In my opinion this is the worst thing any mortal can suffer, and Zaros has suffered it himself due to Mah creating Seren. Of course, this is neither Seren's fault as she can't stop the love pheromone, nor is it Mah's fault as she was starved of anima from hatching on Freneskae. It all came as an unfortunate coincidence. Thankfully Zaros' loyalty pheromone isn't addictive to his followers, and the World Guardian is unaffected by this or by Seren's love pheromone.

- Depression. This is the ultimate inhibition of our potential. The emotional state where we find ourselves literally unable to do anything, and this vicious cycle threatens to entrap anyone trying to help. This is likely the main reason why Zaros says that if we give in to weakness, then we don't deserve to live. Weak beings can strive to grow strong, and there is always room for an education and kindness in life. What Zaros means by weakness is giving up, not being physically or magically weak or stupid. Even the lowliest goblin can learn and grow stronger.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in Naval Cataclysm!

Pokemon battle? Friend Code: 4614-0426-2439

20-Jun-2016 09:12:50



Posts: 7,343 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Please don't feel you owe Guthix anything for what he's given you.

Of course I'm here to signal support for Zaros, but do keep in mind you don't have to solely devote yourself to him, he's the only god to not demand or try to convince you of worshiping him and him alone.

He's happy for you to follow whatever god or philosophy you feel most comfortable being apart of, all he'll ever ask is that when it's the appropriate time, you show support for and help him when he needs you
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20-Jun-2016 14:12:25

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